Fox News Gets it Right with 'The Five'
Fox News announced that the panel discussion show ‘The Five’ would replace Glenn Beck over the summer, probably a temporary measure whilst something more long-term is sought to fill the slot.
I think Fox News needn’t look any further.
The round-the-table discussion format with five highly opinionated folks is definately something that I was at first skeptical about, but having watched, and found myself enjoying the show, there is definately a gap in broadcast television for a current affairs discussion show, that doesn’t include a prominent politician, lawmaker, high-flying businessman or sportsman.
The uniqueness of ‘The Five’ is the form of anyone’s view is valid, and the next person’s view is as valid as the person before. Discussion and debate on the day’s top story’s then ensues.
The benefit for Fox News is that not only is ‘The Five’ a very economical show to produce, it is simply a table, with five chairs, a couple of camera’s and some screens with fancy graphics on them. Secondly, the show consistently produces engaging television, whilst explaining the day’s major stories, discussing and debating the issues.
‘The Five’ also remains an entertaining alternative to fast-pased newscasts or business wrap-ups on the other news and business networks.
The News on News view on ‘The Five’ is that it should be kept until at least year’s end, and see how it performs in the timeslot over a six month period. I’d put some money on it not doing too badly at all.
The Five airs every weekday on the Fox News Channel (HiTV Channel 004/Top TV) at 10pm WAT and features guest hosts such as Greg Gutfeld, Bob Beckel, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Monica Crowley and Fox Business Network’s Eric Bolling.

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