Supermom is back. Promoters of the reality show that celebrates and reward mothers have announced commencement of the fourth edition with tinkered model and focus. This year’s edition will not be celebrating biological mothers but women who gave and are still giving their all to children they didn’t ‘mothered’ (give birth to).
Supermom which is sponsored by Procter & Gamble; makers of Safeguard, Ariel, Pampers, Always and Promasidor; makers of Onga seasoning and Cowbell is in the fourth year running and has consistently celebrated mothers who through dint of rare sacrifices raised their children to enviable position in the society.
The first and second editions focused on mothers whose stories their children told with emotive conviction. The stories bordered on the sacrifice, pain and sheer hardship that 13 women went through in raising their kids. Some of them had their men watching helplessly beside or behind them as the case may be while for some others the supposed traditional bread winners were nowhere to be found. Their stories were told with short dramas while the eventual winners were decided via votes from members of the public.
The first set of winners won brand new house, the first runner up, a brand new car while the second runner up smiled home with cash prize.
The focused shifted last year with mothers of celebrities put on the spot. From KSB to Julius Agwu, mothers of 13 celebrities gave rare personal accounts of how the famous faces were raised. Some stories moved the audience to tears while others invoked pensive mood laced with mild laughter brought about by knowing assurance that the end justified the means.
Mrs. Gladys Asuquo [mother of Cohbams] won the show and Mrs. Omobonike Anike [mother of Abass Akande PK1] and Mrs. Martinez Sanni [mother of Skales] took the second and third position respectively.
They won N2million, N1million and N500,000 respectively which was shared between them and motherless babies homes of their choice [SOS Village Isolo by Cohbams and Obesere] while [Red Cross in Makoko] by Skales.
This year the focused is on mothers who raised children they did not give birth to. The founders of motherless babies’ homes naturally take the front rolls but the stories of mothers with heart of gold did not start and end within the four walls of orphanages. Among the over 120 million Nigerians exist stories of women who nurtured other people’s children without discrimination and the results of their efforts are there for all to see.
Organisers (DIM) are calling for entries from people who know mothers who have made good success out of other people’s children. Entries can be sent in via SMS or email to 08183593220 OR supermomtvshow@gmail.com.
‘We need to celebrate mothers who without bias raised kids that are not theirs. Ask any mother, raising kids that are not yours is one of the ultimate sacrifices a woman can make. In their case they have proven that water can be thicker than blood’ Sola Fajobi, the executive producer said.
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