TM EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: “Nigeria has the best models and actors” Oyama Dyosiba, CEO of Oyama Management Agency Speaks on the Secret Behind His Success, Advice to Start-ups & Much More…
We are doing something a little different from all the other features we have done on the website. Today, we interviewing Oyama Dyosiba, the owner and founder of Oyama Management Agency also known as “Oyama Models” in the South African fashion industry.
Oyama is a Model Booker, Photo shoot Creative Director, Producer, publicist and an actor. He has starred on TV show like Tempy Pushes on SABC 1 and “A Wannabe” on e.TV.
After Matric, Oyama studied at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University were he did Graphic Design, then at Damelin College were he studied Media Design and Technology, and City Varsity were he studied Script-writing, TV presenting and acting for camera.
He came from East London to Johannesburg in early 2006 looking for his dreams; though he worked as a Brand and Sales Manager at City Varsity Media and Creative Arts School he still harbored a childhood passion for fashion and entertainment industry.
So, talkmedia Nigeria’s Asuquo Eton had a exclusive Q&A session with the young CEO, Oyama Dyosiba about his journey in the South African fashion industry, life as a CEO, personal style, forthcoming projects and so much more.
Where were you born?
I was born in East London in the Eastern Cape
I’m now 30
Are you married/children?
How would you describe your personal style?
Generally quite business-like, or, at least, (hopefully) quite professional and “mature”, with certain degrees of variety ranging from casual to semi-formal and formal. Even if it sounds weird, I try to find a balance (don’t know if I succeed though) between the very clean-cut, no-nonsense and even slightly Old-School on the one hand and the slightly Bohemian (although Bohemian in a more dandified, rather than non-consumerist, shockingly provocative manner), slightly extravagant (again, leaning far more towards extravagance in luxuries, rather than in peculiarities) on the other.
When was the company conceived? Who is the brains behind it?
The concepts started years ago but the actual business started in 2010. It actually all began when I was going through a difficult time at one stage. I was feeling unsettled at work and uncertain about life when a close friend advised me to start writing down my dreams. It was unlike anything I had experienced before; I would wake up in the middle of the night to scribble these dreams and soon began to spend my days making them a reality.
What’s the support from your family been like?
I had to use my personal savings to start.
What are the major jobs you’ve done?
– Me personally:
Acting: SABC 1 “Tempy Pushas” e.TV “A wannabe” e.TV “ Scandal”
Commercial: Mcdonalds, FNB, DSTV, MTN super 8
– Polo Lifestyle Harrismith (November 2014)
Position: Sponsorship Manager
– Cino Shearer Foundation Launch 2014
Position: Project Manager
– Quiteria & George Memoirs of a geisha, Fashion and haute Couture- November 2013
Position: event organize, fashion show choreographer and director.
– Celebrating shoes fashion show – September 2013
Position: Choreographer and show director
– Oyama models fashion shows 2011, 2012, 2013
Position: Organize, choreographer, show director
– Sunday Times fashion show with joburg city fashion shows – August 2013
Positions: Event organizer, director, choreographer, producer
– South Africa Fashion week designer Capsule collection – Melrose arch- March
Position: Producer
– Richard Branson fashion show with Branson centre fashion designer entrepreneurs – 2012
Position: Show producer and choreographer, director
– Miss Global Botswana 2012
Position: show director, producer, choreographer and media (Local and international)
– Miss Limpopo 2012
Position: Judge and Producer
How many people are employed in the company?
54 models
16 actors
2 assistants
Where is the business based?
I work from home but i’m based in Braamfontein (Johannesburg – South Africa)
What are the beauties and disadvantages of running a business like yours?
The beauties is seeing something you have been working on materializing.
There are hundreds of disappointment in this industry but you have to keep your head up. Going to castings and getting rejected is one of the difficulties.
What’s your take about the role of government, in terms of uplifting emerging entrepreneurs? Are they doing enough?
I have never worked with the government. I wish they could do more. I have been working with the Branson Centre of Entrepreneurs. They have done more for me then the government.
What are your thoughts on the South Africa fashion industry?
Opportunities have increased in South Africa since the rise of great designers like David Tlale and etc, although there is much room for improvement. The world seems to be fascinated by African culture and designs.
You have ventured into acting and made your first appearance in e.TV’s Ekasi Stories, how was the experience?
I have always known that what I wanted to do when I was growing up but because of family pressures I studied something else.
Has it opened doors to other acting roles?
It has, I’m currently reading a new script for a Nigerian production company. Nollywood must look out for me.
Tell us more about it?
We still in pre-production stages but will be shooting soon.
What advise can you give to other people who are thinking of starting their businesses?
Live your life and live it real. When it rains get wet. You can’t get an A if you can’t get an F so don’t be afraid to fail. Keep fighting for your dream. Don’t let other noise distract you.
What is the best trick you’ve learnt in the business?
Staying Humble, you never know who will be your next client.
What other business ventures would you like to pursue in the future?
Event management and Public Relations
Tell me something most people don’t know about you?
I’m very shy and introverted person. I rather spend Friday night at home watching movies or sports.
Are there plans to expand your business to other African countries, especially Nigeria?
I would love that, Nigeria has the best models and actors. There is a huge market there.
Any advice for aspiring models, actors and CEOs?
“I want to be a model”. I have lost track of how many times I have heard this from young aspiring models. Long hours, personal sacrifice, hard work and lots of patience are the call of the day in the entertainment industry. If you want this you have to work 130% harder then the girl or guy next door because they want the same thing.
Like any other industry that requires effort, be persistent, do research, take classes if you feel that you need to, seek the advice of legitimate agents, get ready for criticism, have a backup plan. Don’t let this industry be your only plan.
Facebook: Oyama Dyosiba
Instagram: Oyama_Dyosiba
Twitter: Oyama_Dyosiba
Website: www.oyamamodels.com /co.za

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