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Big Brother Naija Day 27: Gifty and Bally have been getting quite intimate lately but is anything really blossoming?

Reality TV

Big Brother Naija Day 27: Gifty and Bally have been getting quite intimate lately but is anything really blossoming?

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One of the consequences of being trapped in a confined space for weeks is that lingering feelings rise to the surface after a while and people start falling hard and fast. For a while this seemed to be what was happenin between Gifty and Bally but their revelations today lay to rest any possibility of a romantic relationship.

While chatting to Debie-Rise about Bally’s interest in her Gifty revealed that while she thinks he likes her and is always following her the feeling isn’t mutual. This was consistant with her remarks during her Diary Session on Thursday where she flat out said she wasn’t interested in love and had a passion for power and fame instead!

While Bally might not have heard what she had to say it’s hard to think he’d have been slighted. Yes, the two off them have made out often but it’s also worth noting that they barely talk when they’re sober and only get physical once the drinks start flowing with Thursday night being their most recent hook up. He’s also often called her the “village whore” (hardly something you’d call someone you’re trying to woo)

If there was still any doubt Bally delivered the final blow when he opened up about his girlfriend to Efe and revealed that they had an agreement that he could fool around in the House. He concluded by acknowledging that he had a lot of explaining to do when he got home.

So it would seem Big Brother Naija’s newest couple are just two adults tryint to blow off steam, Nothing more, or less. Do you agree? Give us your own take on their relationship after the jump.

Big Brother Naija is on DStv Channel 198 and GOtv Plus on Channel 29. 

Asuquo Eton founded, now one of the most visited TV, music, tech and features website, in 2011. He is also a social media analyst, media and entertainment consultant.

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