INTERVIEW: Nigerian YouTuber, Travel and Fitness Entrepreneur, Fuad Agoro Talks Fitness Dos and Don’ts, Social Media, Travel Choices, Top Destinations, Casey Neistat, and More…
Meet Fuad Agoro aka Abnormal Fitness, born in London, raised in Chicago but 100% Nigerian.
Travelling all of the world non-stop since the summer of 2013 was not something Fuad Agoro expected. Growing up he never imagined in his wildest dreams that he would be living in penthouses in Medellin for 5 months or villas in Bali while working and living a healthy lifestyle.
One major problem that Fuad had while traveling was finding a consistent gym to workout in. He quickly came to the realization that this would not be possible if he was going to be travelling the world non stop, so he started to take advantage of everything he had around him.
Fuad Agoro decided to start Abnormal Fitness where his goal was to show people how to workout anywhere. Fast forward a few years and he’s still continuing to do even bigger things and recently started a private Facebook Group called the “Travel Fitness Community
Check out my exclusive interview with him below:
Hey Abnormal Fitness! Would you like to introduce yourself to our readers?
Hey everybody my names is Fuad Agoro aka Fufu aka Abnormal Fitness lol born in London raised in Chicago and 100% Nigerian. I’ve been traveling non stop since I graduated from University in 2013 and I love to workout, eat, and party my ass off!
Talk me through an average day in the life of you?
The thing with my lifestyle is that two days are never really the same lol. I’m normally fasting throughout the day so I only eat from like 4 pm to 12 am. Right when I wake up I normally stretch for a good 5-10 mins. Check my phone, emails and ads that I have running on Facebook.
From there it really just depends on where I’m at in the world and if I’m out filming with Passport Heavy (My bros travel company) for the day and I usually get my workouts in late afternoon or in the evening.
I also love catching a good view of a nice sunset.
What institution(s) did you attend and what did you study?
I went to a Junior College in the Chicago land area which was called Harper College and I got my Associate degree there. I got my Bachelors degree in Marketing at Ashford University which was in a small city in Iowa called Clinton. I also minored in Business Administration.
You started travelling all of the world non-stop since the summer of 2013, what made you develop such passion for Travelling?
My brother Jubril was the biggest influence on my love for travel 100%. He pretty much took me under his wing from the day I was out of university. He was traveling non stop for about 3 years before I started. Once I started to travel I never ever wanted to stop.
Why did you name your company and brand “Abnormal Fitness”?
So when I started travelling I really wanted to stay in amazing shape and I was looking for people on YouTube or just online that had a brand for people that were traveling and wanting to workout and eat healthy while doing it. I didn’t see anyone doing it so I thought why not be that person.
The reason I called it Abnormal Fitness is because its fitness being done with what ever you have available to you in any way possible. I also used to capitalize the AB part of Abnormal because I really wanted to focus on Abs lol.
Your YouTube channel is called “Abnormal Fitness”, when did you start your YouTube channel and what’s the main focus of the channel?
So I started the YouTube channel about 4 years ago but started positing a bit more regularly 3 years ago. The main focus of the channel is to give people ways to stay in shape while they are traveling, how to stay on top of your health, and also travel videos giving guides/overviews to different places around the world.
What made you decide to become a YouTuber?
The main thing that made me want to become a YouTuber was seeing what my brother was doing it. I also really saw the opportunity to be in front of an audience giving all that I have to offer and teach in terms of my experiences traveling while doing the whole fitness thing.
What camera/gears do you always use in the production of your videos?
All I really use to film is my phone Nexus 6P and my Sony RX 100V.
How long does it take you to edit your videos and what editing software do you use?
It really depends on the video and the amount of footage for how long it will take me to edit one. But a workout video I can normally do with 90 mins. A vlog would usually take about 2-4 hours. A more professional video that I use for marketing would normally take a day or two.
Tell me more about your love for Vlogging/storytelling and how you use it to communicate through your travels and fitness?
The main reason I love vlogging/storytelling is because you I can easily portray how people can actually travel full time or get in amazing shape being on the road 24/7. Also people really getting to know you as a person and see all sides of you that they may not in just regular workout or marketing videos. People really feel like they know you even if they have never met you before. Also just getting to see the daily life with all the ups and downs.
Will you say people appreciate the hard work we travel bloggers put in showcasing and telling our adventures?
Man this is good question. Obviously if you have a substantial following that’s loyal every time you drop a video you know about how many people will see it and you will get mad love. When you a small fry you just hope that your video will pop lol. Sometimes it takes days of work putting into a video or post and it kinda hurts when less than a 100 people see it but that’s all part of the journey. The more you put out connect with your audience, and give them some really good content the more you will grow.
But yeah that shits hurts when you put a lot of work into something and not many people see it lol!
For nearly the first 6 years of your life you grew up in England with your brother under the care of your foster parents. What was that experience like and what will you say motivates/inspires you to stay dedicated to what you do?
Well I don’t remember much but I have been so many stories of them times. Me and my brother Jubril were very fortunate to have some amazing people that happened to take us under there care as there foster kids. I love looking back on the VHS tapes we had of birthday parties, school functions and how we would be having the times of our lives just playing around. My foster parents didn’t have much at all times but they literally gave us everything they possibly could to make our days happy.
What’s your 5 Dos and Don’t when it comes to being fit while travelling?
1. Have water on you at all time and drink it every hour your awake
2. Workout in your room before you start your day
3. Find an eating routine/diet that you can follow no matter where you are
4. Have go to meals that you can get anywhere around the world
5. Workout where ever you can, room, pool, hills, parks, beaches etc
1. Don’t wait to have the perfect gym to get a workout
2. Don’t wing your diet and just think you will stay on track
3. Don’t drink beer casually everyday
4. Don’t have fast-food as your go to meal
5. Don’t only jog to get your workout in
What do you do to stay in shape, do you go to the gym?
So the biggest thing you have to take care of when it comes to staying in shape or just your health in general is your eating habits. For me being on the road the easiest routine to stick to is intermittent fasting. Which basically means that you are eating for 8 hours or less a day. When you are fasting your body is not only burning fat but it also boosts your metabolism, drops your insulin levels, promotes cellular repair and also helps prevent diabetes, some forms of cancer.
I chose intermittent fasting because I have a really good idea of what foods I should be consuming already and having that specific eating window keeps me on track of my caloric intake.
You recently started a Travel Fitness Community, what’s it all about and how can people sign up for it?
So the reason I started the Travel Fitness Community is because I travel all year round but I don’t and there’s time that I really wanted a workout buddy, join a class, play some basketball, or just find a good calisthenics park or gym for a good price.
I want to connect everybody around the world that travel or are in the fitness world that want to workout with with other people when there in their neighborhood and vise-versa.
And join the community here – https://www.facebook.com/groups/travelfitnesscommunity/
How do you balance your personal and fitness life?
Wow I’m in a fortunate position so I do what I love as my work. Marketing and fitness are things that I could talk about all day everyday. My personal life revolves around me eating obviously and I love being active so I’m always tryna plan ball, soccer, or just getting a workout in. I just don’t feel right if I’m not active for over a day.
How would you describe the travel scene in Asia?
So before coming to Asia my exposure to Asia and Asian culture was Rush Hour and Chinese food. I was absolutely blown away on my first night in Asia which was in Bangkok when I seen how incredible and well developed the city was.
After living in Thailand & Bali a combined 18 months over the past 4 years I can easily say these places are in the top 3 of my favorite places to live in the world along with Colombia. You just have the most amazing people, of course the warm weather, culture that you won’t experience anywhere else and at cost of living that will keep your wallet happy.
What do you consider the most common stereotype about the being a Travel Blogger?
For me the biggest stereotype of being a Travel Blogger is that its how I make my money when in fact I would say over 90% of my income comes from the marketing work that I do.
What aspect surprised you the most once you started as a YouTuber?
My channel is not the biggest but the things I got to see being around my brother who has quite a large following is shocking almost every time I see it. If we are in a place like Panama, Medellin, Bali, or Chiang Mai I literally don’t remember to many times going out with him and not having someone come up to him and say there the reason they came out to a certain country or that they seen his videos.
Seeing the recognition he gets is cool but whats really impressive to me is how much he has changed so many peoples lives just through the videos that he has put out.
Looking back to when you started Travel fitness and Vlogging, is there anything you would like to change?
The only thing I would change looking back at when I started is that I would have posted way way way way way more. Even to this day I’m kicking myself on non getting content out quick enough.
Which brands, clients, gyms, YouTubers, Bloggers, etc, have you worked with?
There aren’t too many big names that I’ve worked with but the brand I’m currently working with which is my brothers is called Passport Heavy.
I’ve also done some work with Dream Jobbing – http://dreamjobbing.com/
I worked with Brandon Carter – https://www.instagram.com/kingketo/
I’ve done stuff with Terroll Lewis – https://www.instagram.com/terrolllewis/
Who has block workout – https://www.instagram.com/blockworkout/
My homies World Nate – https://www.instagram.com/world_nate/
Hannah aka Intrepid Introvert – https://www.instagram.com/intrepidintrovert/
Rene aka Ownbyfemme – https://www.instagram.com/ownbyfemme/
and recently connected with
Nià The Light – https://www.instagram.com/niathelight/
And of course my brother Jubril – https://www.instagram.com/jubril8/
and my Cousin Maleek – https://www.instagram.com/maleekberry/
What do you consider your biggest professional success so far?
I wouldn’t say theres one specific achievement or moment I would consider my biggest success but more so every time I hear how I’ve helped someone in way at all to improve there life.
Who do you want to work with that you haven’t yet?
There’s so many people that I would love to work with but let me just drop a few lol
Sean Evan’s from the show Hot Ones (Absolute biggest goal in the world is to be on this show!!)
– The Under Achievers
– Wood Harris
– Casey Neistat
– Kevin Hart
– Simeon Panda
– Ulisses JR
What has been your biggest challenge?
My biggest challenge has been believing in myself to the point where I’m putting out content where people are taking my advise or doing as I say. I always feel like I’m not good or qualified enough.
Tell us two things people don’t know about you?
Two things that people don’t know about me;
1. I know hundreds of songs by heart in all different genres of music.
2. I can kick and NBA sized backboard
You are very active on social media. Do you think its important to be online and if so why?
Being active online is one of the most important things you can do because that is where everything is going to be in terms of business and personal life. Cell phones have become our parents form of TV, Radio, Books and so much more.
I remember growing up if I wanted to know something I would either ask my mom, a teacher or have to look it up in book. Now I can literally talk to my phone and have it answer back in seconds.
The internet is not going anywhere soon.
You are originally from Nigeria, raised in England, later moved to the United States, and now mostly based in Bali, Indonesia. How is that working out for you?
Yeah so both of my parents are from Nigeria I was born in London and as you read before right before my 6th birthday I moved to Chicago with my mom and brother. I love having family all over so when I’m in different places I can feel at home.
You travel a lot, so how many countries since 2013 have you visited and what will you say are your must visited travel destinations?
The top places I go to are United States, England, Thailand & Bali, Indonesia.
Countries I have visited so far are;
1. United States
2. Mexico
3. Panama
4. Colombia
5. United Arab Emirates
6. England
7. Scotland
8. France
9. Netherlands
10. Italy
11. Austria
12. Germany
13. Spain
14. Australia
15. Thailand
16. Myanmar
17. Indonesia
18. Malaysia
19. Sri Lanka
20. China
Name 5 things we should take seriously about our travel choices?
1. Try to book your flights on Tuesday to get lower prices
2. Its not as expensive as you think
3. Don’t underestimate laws and rules in countries
4. Pack light, if you don’t usually wear it don’t bring it
5. Look up cost of living the place your going before you plan it.
How would you describe your travel style?
I love being in places where the cost of living is cheap but the quality is amazing. I don’t really do anything to fancy for the most part and I love getting local food almost everyday in places that I go to.
What style genre appeals to you the most?
Simple and casual.
Name your 5 must have travel accessories/essentials?
1. Laptop
2. Phone
3. Gym Shoes
4. PS4
5. Swim trunks
What are your favourite fashion trends?
Not really into fashion lol but If I had to chose one I guess it would be rocking glasses.
What is your favourite dish?
My moms cooking hand down, Jollof rice and stew with plantain!!
What songs are currently on your playlist?
1. Post Malone – Candy Paint
2. Maleek Berry – Bend It
3. J Balvin – Si Tu Novia Te Deja Sola
4. Tee Grizzley – First Day Out
5. Gabe Gizz – Goyard
Apart from fitness, YouTube, traveling, what other projects are you currently working on?
I’m always doing my marketing so building our Facebook Marketing campaigns is taking up a lot of my time now.
Seeing you’re doing your dreams, what advice can you give others to pursue their dreams?
Decide what you really really want. Write out your perfect day. Outline the goals you need to reach. Write a plan to those goals and work on that every single day.
Any specific plans for the future?
I plan on releasing a video series product the beginning of next year!
Any final words?
Just wanna say thanks for the opportunity!
Where can we follow you online and on social media?
Instagram: @abnormal_fitness
Facebook: Abnormal Fitness
Snapchat: @fufumeat
My Blog: https://www.abnormalfitness.info/
My Ebook: http://travelfit.worldisyourgym.info/

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