INTERVIEW: U.S. Born Choreographer, Actor & Model, Sir’Twon Brown Talks Working with Nick Jonas, IDA, Hollywood, 2018 Merchandise & Digital Calendar, and More…
Sir’Twon Brown is a Los Angeles-based fresh face looking to forge a long and brilliant legacy through performance and instruction. As a trained dancer and choreographer, a stunning model, and a budding actor. Sir’Twon is best known for displaying a killer work ethic and drive, a strong sense of dynamic creativity, plus an aura brimming with warm vibes — all finished with a smile that’ll make even the iciest hearts swoon.
Growing up on a steady regimen of music video countdowns like MTV’s TRL and BET’s 106 & Park, he found himself learning all the tricks of the trade from the usual favourites including Michael and Janet Jackson, Britney Spears, and Beyoncé of course.
A native of Miami, Florida, training began at an early age for Sir’Twon in the tropical mecca and includes direction from Miami City Ballet, and instructors including Anna O’Hare who introduced him to jazz and tap. Between shooting with photographers like Chad Finley and continuing acting lessons, Sir’Twon can be found instructing classes at the world renown IDA Hollywood — the training facility connected to hit shows like So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing with the Stars, and America’s Best Dance Crew — as well as choreographing and dancing on tours and music videos for artists like Nick Jonas.
Check out my exclusive interview with Sir’Twon below:
Hey Sir’Twon! Would you like to introduce yourself to our readers?
Hello my name is Sir’Twon Brown! I am originally from Miami, Florida but now reside in Los Angeles.
Talk me through an average day in the life of you?
An average day for me looks like waking up anywhere between 5 and 7am. I pray and/or meditate. Groom, have a protein shake then off to the gym. After the gym I generally come home cook a recovery meal and get any online work done before I head to work. I teach two or three Hip Hop dance classes or privates then I’m off to rehearsal or whatever gig I’m on at the time. I generally get back home around midnight, when I get to shower and get ready to do it all over again.
What institution(s) did you attend and what did you study?
I got my AA in fashion and my BA in marketing at Johnson & Wales University.
You just launched your new merchandise and 2018 digital calendar store. How is the going and what as been the response so far?
I recently lunched my second Calendar “Level Up” 2018 and other merchandise on my website, sirtwonbrown.com. And it’s all doing very well. I’m excited because the response on this one has been overwhelming. I gotten so much love and it is an incredible feeling to have my work be received so well.
How were you discovered and what inspired you to go into modelling and acting?
I was discovered by an agent from Ford that had a child in on of the dance studios I taught at. I had always wanted to model and act so when the opportunity came went for it. Most of the inspiration I have to model and act is much like dance. I love being able to express myself differently through different art forms.
You instruct your classes at the world renown “IDA Hollywood”, a training facility connected to hit shows like So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing with the Stars, and America’s Best Dance Crew. How does that make you feel?
It is a huge honor and privilege to being able to instruct at such an amazing facility like IDA. The feeling is amazing, being able to experience and be a part of so much talent and productions.
Tell me more about your love for fitness/modelling and how you use it to communicate through your everyday life?
Fitness/ Modeling is more than just something I do. It’s a way of life. I workout daily and am big on being fit mind, body and spirit. I just allow that influence to be the way I inspire and communicate my work as well.
What’s your 5 Dos and Don’t when it comes to being a choreographer?
Top five Do’s and Don’t’s of choreography:
1. Do make the artist happy.
2. Do your homework.
3. Do prepare yourself beforehand.
4. Do make sure that you are open to change.
5. Do your best to be on time if not early.
1. Don’t argue with the artist.
2. Don’t think it’s about you.
3. Don’t be unprofessional.
4. Don’t be lazy.
5. Don’t be overwhelmed. Sometimes huge productions can get crazy.
You have also done some choreographing and dancing tours and music videos for artists like Nick Jonas, etc. What was the experience like?
I have gotten the opportunity to work with some incredible artists. The feeling of working with someone like Beyoncé or Nick Jonas is life changing. You hear stories about how hard artists work but there’s nothing like seeing it firsthand.
I noticed you do semi-nude modeling. How comfortable were you at first doing it and what was the reaction you got when you released the photos?
Semi-nude modeling was a challenge at first. But it causes you to face your insecurities head on. For me it made me work harder to look the way I knew I could. And once I released the photos people couldn’t believe the transformation, receiving them well.
What do you do to stay in shape, do you go to the gym?
The biggest components of me staying in shape is eating clean and working out.
How do you balance your personal and professional life?
The balance between my work and personal life comes pretty easy. One because I love what I do so it’s not like I’m working a lot of the times. Second, I make sure I put just as much personal time in as I do with work.
How would you describe the modelling scene in America, when it comes to encouraging new talents?
The modelling scene in America is intense. Much like a lot of other industries, very competitive. But as long as you’re in your game and work hard you’ll get what you deserve. It may take a while but anything worth having is with working for.
What do you consider the most common stereotype about the being a dancer and choreographer?
The most common stereotype as a dancer or choreographer that I’ve experienced is that we will work for free or less. Work is work period and everyone deserves to be compensated for it.
What aspect surprised you the most once you started as an actor?
What surprised me most as I began my acting career is how hard/intense it really is. There’s a lot that goes into acting. A lot more than people would want acknowledge or give credit for.
Looking back to when you started as a dancer, choreographer and model, is there anything you would like to change about those industries?
Looking back I wouldn’t change very much about the industries I work in. Although I would make more room and create more opportunities for new talent. I do understand the pay your dues mindset as well.
What do you consider your biggest professional success so far?
I would say so far the most successful endeavor I’ve experienced has been teaching and working with kids. There is nothing like inspiring the future and ultimately the people who will be taking care of me when I’m older.
Who do you want to work with that you haven’t yet?
I haven’t worked with Oprah or Tyler Perry yet I would love that opportunity. I would also like to work with Will Smith, Demi Lovato, Kelly Rowland, Calvin Klein, and so many more.
What has been your biggest challenge?
My biggest challenge has been to allow myself the freedom to express however I want without worrying about what people might think.
Tell us two things people don’t know about you?
Two things that people might not know about me is that;
1. I have a degree in both fashion and marketing.
2. I love Harry Potter.
I noticed that you are a big fan of tattoos, why so?
I wouldn’t say I’m a big fan of tattoos but I do like them because they allow you or a person rather the opportunity to express themselves in a different way. I call my tattoos body art.
You are very active on social media. Do you think its important to be online and if so why?
I am online as much as possible. I like to use my social media as a platform to inspire and show people my skills and talents. I think important especially in this day and age to be online because most people are and it’s a great tool to teach the masses.
You are a native of Miami, Florida, but currently based in Los Angeles, California. How is that working out for you?
I am from Miami but currently reside in Los Angeles. I love it here and it’s been working out well for me. I’ve been here seven years now.
What will you say are your must visit travel destinations?
My most common travel destinations are Miami of course. I’ve been to Chicago about ten times. I get to New York pretty often as well.
Name 5 things we should take seriously about our style choices?
1. Details
2. Fit
3. Theme
4. Effort
5. Comfort
How would you describe your style?
I would describe my style as cool, clean, understated, somewhat sexy and suave. These days my style is a lot more effortless.
What style genre appeals to you the most?
The genre of style that appeals to me most would have to be the GQ / gentlemen style. There’s nothing like a man in a suit and tie.
Name your 5 must have accessories/essentials?
My top five must have accessories/ essentials are;
1. A great moisturizer
2. An elegant fragrance
3. A stylish fedora
4. A bow tie
5. A nice watch.
What are your favourite fashion trends?
My favorite fashion trends are anything with interesting colors and beautiful prints.
What is your favourite dish?
My favorite dish would have to be seafood pasta because I love seafood and Italian.
What songs are currently on your music playlist?
My playlist right now is filled with Chris Brown and Elhae. There’s some SZA in the mix and if I really want to turn up some Cardi B.
Apart from dancing, modelling, acting, what other projects are you currently working on?
I’m currently working on choreography for a music I’m on. I’m also in rehearsals learning new material for @Zlala an artist I’ve been dancing with for a little over two years now. I’ve been putting together the themes and looks for my third and final 2019 calendar. There’s other things in the works but I can’t speak about any of that just yet.
Seeing you’re doing your dreams, what advice can you give others to pursue their dreams?
The biggest advice I would or could give anyone in pursuit of their dreams is to first make sure it’s something you really want because dreams do come true. Second I would say be prepared to work hard and sacrifice for what you want. Last but certainly not least, believe in yourself even if you feel no one else does.
Any specific plans for the future?
Plans for the future? Definitely kids hopefully marriage, and to take over the world lol.
Where can we follow you online and on social media?
You can find me on Instagram @sirtwon you can also fond me at sirtwonbrown.com

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