Reality TV
Big Brother Naija Day 28: Clearing Trapped Emotions
Having binged at the party last night, some of the Housemates confessed their feelings when the alcohol finally settled in its emotional corner.
We’re Friends Now
It’s has finally come to the clear that the relationship between Cee-C and Tobi is that of a mutual friendship and nothing more. This was confirmed by both parties when they were telling Bambam why they thought the relationship didn’t work.
Tobi fired shots first saying that Cee-C was in love with the ‘sadder’ version and not him in totality but he has now chosen to be him and whoever likes him or not is not his problem. He further added that if he continues being with her, it will mean that he’s only in the House to support her game.
We’re Done
Cee-C then fired back saying that she’s seen what Tobi has to offer and it’s not enough. She then mentioned how Tobi’s strategy to probably hook up with the hottest girl in House has worked for him. She further added that she tolerated a lot of things in the House but she sees Tobi as a distinct young boy.
Cry Me a River
On the other side of the House, Alex flooded her pillow with tears. She was sad that she felt Leo didn’t like her the way she does. She told anyone who cared to listen, but all the advice she received was to just forget about Leo and move on. Cee-C told her that Leo cares for her and that she might have interpreted his kindness wrongly while Tobi said Leo would be stupid not to see that she like him. At the end of the day, the pair both ironed the issues and Leo made it clear that he doesn’t like her the way she likes him.
Was the message clear enough or did it fall on deaf ears? Only time will tell.

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