VIDEO: Ajaeze – 1 Life
ISEKOLife Musix Superstar Ajaeze presents the musical Short film ‘1 Life’
Every great dream begins with a dreamer . Ajaeze The Masked Genius is a product of ‘Passion’ .’As far as we know we only have one life to live , Follow your Passion and Be successful at it ‘ is his resounding message in this short film ‘1 Life’. Parents stop trying to live through your children , Let them find their voice and passion to be happy in life . To the youths ,’Do not let anyone hold you back , believe in your dreams , dream and make it a reality . #AjaezeKlan is growing! Eat your f*ckn heart out!!!
Videography by Christian Bowen
Directors: Ajaeze Onu & Ekene Enweani
Producer: Gwendolyn Jackson
Choreography: Yaya
Guest appearances by: Chief Obi and MixMasterChu
Music Production: YangP

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