INTERVIEW: Super Model, Musician & Director, Olawale B. Ajibola (OBA) talks Root, Upcoming EP, Family, Fitness, Living in Atlanta, and More…
Olawale B. Ajibola is a Nigerian Super Model/Musician/Director who has been slowly creeping into a creative light. He thrives from a very well endowed family and takes his craft very seriously.
OBA has an associate degree in fine arts and science and also obtained his certification in music from the Art Institute of Atlanta.
Art/ Music/performing arts are his areas of expertise and he looks forward to working with other artist. Its just the beginning.
Check out my exclusive interview with him below:
Hey OBA! Would you like to introduce yourself to our readers?
Greetings. My birth name is OBA. meaning king in my native country of Nigeria (O)lawale (B)abajide (A)jibola
(Olawale) standing for Wealth and prosperity come home. I’m sure one of parents Had a solid reason for naming me. Hopefully they knew what they were doing.
What institution(s) did you attend and what did you study?
I attended The New York Film Academy & The Art Institute of Atlanta.

OBA’s dad (King Ajibola) on set with Danny Glover early 1990s.
How were you discovered and what inspired you to go into music?
I started music in the church. I played and fooled around with instruments. My father is a minister who’s earlier career was the studying of Film and Radio in San Fran Cali. He had the privilege on working with Danny Glover on one of his first film projects. He was a small fry back then but it’s an accomplishment. My beautiful mother was a choir leader so I was born into it. When they separated and My brothers and I spent weekends with him anytime we complained of boredom we were forced to make songs and play instruments while he studied or conveyed business. I was discovered when I was 15 by an agent who worked for IMG models New York. She approached me when I was outside the park. I was just visiting New York at the time and I wasn’t into fashion and that type of art nature at the time. I was too carried away with the lifestyle I created for myself in Atlanta. My boys and I were headlining sold out parties every weekend. I was trying to balance out school while playing around with my older brothers in the streets. I was young but those lessons discovered me.
You were signed to Elite Model before leaving and going independent, why the decision?
Elite/Chosen Atlanta to be specific but things didn’t go as planned. I wasn’t signed to but for a small bit in serious conversation with Elite/Chosen but we didn’t seal anything concrete. I thank God for allowing me to come from a family who isn’t controlled. So when put in situations to where I’m controlled and have no voice or power I back out. Sometimes it’s better to make a name for yourself without assistance so when you walk into ANY agency or Label you have Power over all the decisions made on the contracts for business decisions space that include or involve you your name or your brand. Always have full control over your artistry your brand and your vision. Think of partnership and ownership before employee.
Looking at your photos from 2015 to now there as been massive changes and improvements. What will you say motivated/inspired you to go into fitness and staying dedicated in it?
Yeah I think with that comes experience and just educating yourself on art. Learning the true essence of psychology, mental visual and spiritual attraction. In other words it could be called learning the true definition of hip prognosis and hypnotizing. See with all of these things come wanting to be great in your craft wanting to be the best. Wanting to have that uncomparable nature that no matter where you go or no matter what art piece or creative concept you design your signature will always stand out you will never be able to be compared. Just wanting to be the best in my own lane I believe is what got me to this point not focusing or anybody else just focusing on me and digging deep within and looking to all of the creative things that God is blessed me with.
What got me really into working out is my mother passing away from cancer. It gave me in a different outlook on life I can’t say that I’m the most healthiest human being but I fight to try to do my best you know another some things I need to cut out now that will also elevate my health and trust me I know those things. In due time but definitely in him the most amazing woman that has ever touched my life in me losing her to a disease to a sickness to something that has to do help this week keeps me going.
I hear you preparing for the release of your the music video for “Root”, is that true and if so when will the video be released?
That is true I am literally putting the last final touches on everything. This song right here is very dear to me it’s one of my first songs that I’ve ever recorded. I wrote this song. I directed the music video. I co-produced the beat with Chino Stringss. The journey to completion has truly been an experience for me. To be honest I know this is just the beginning. I went to school for film directing so I Understand the countless amount of hours and time that I it takes to create a visual project. That’s a true passion of mine. So I like to incorporate all of my gifts into my art. That way I have control of my future. I’m seriously hoping within the next couple of weeks. one thing about me is I never like to make it a major deal on when I’m getting ready to drop or release a project. Sometimes It’s a feeling for me. My soul usually gives me the go.
What will you say are your Dos and Don’t when it comes to music?
1. Don’t listen to what anybody else has to say about you
2. Believe in your spirit believe in that unique sound that you own that you create.
3. Don’t believe in impossibilities all things are possible Especially with faith.
4. Wake up every day knowing you are great without anybody giving you affirmation
5. Don’t allow your ugly past to hold you back from your beautiful future.
Do you go to the gym, if so how often?
Yes I go to the gym at least three times a week.
Do you think we take our health and fitness seriously?
No I don’t think we take a health serious. A lot of times it takes certain life situations whether good or bad to force one into believing in trusting the true essence of health.
How do you balance your professional and personal life?
It’s not easy but I look to God for everything. I know I can’t do this alone. I haven’t even started yet and I see how hectic this life can be. Sometimes you can lose sight of who you are with creating and constantly being on Go mode. Sometimes I don’t have everything together but I still have to meet deadlines and complete projects ya know. I’m still a father first and I’ll never forget that. She’s the reason I go so freaking hard. It’s kind of easy to allow this young hectic life to take the best of you but the wise always know to stay grounded and to understand the true balance of love life business and work.
A king can’t build a castle alone. Keep the family close for with the family reaps Miracles and blessings beyond your imagination.
How would you describe the modelling scene in the United States, will you say the industry is encouraging new faces?
The modeling scene is major in the United States but more accredited for international faces/names.
What do you consider the most common stereotype about the modelling industry?
You have to look a certain way or fit a certain body physic to become worthy.
What aspect surprised you the most once you ventured into music?
The amount of work it takes to create a masterpiece starting from scratch. From the beginning of creating a record to directing and producing the visuals.
Looking back to when you started in music and modelling, is there anything you would like to change about those industries?
I honestly wouldn’t change A thing. I believe every experience we go through is meant to mold us. Nothing is a mistake.
Which brands, clients, models, musicians, directors, photographers, etc, have you worked with?
I would love to work with anyone that bring dope ass creative art. I don’t want to name drop because that can put me in a box before I even break out. I’m an eclectic artist with a universal fashion sense. So I love breaking boundaries and creating pieces that are highly unexpected. So with that being said I break out of my box and work with any and everybody who brings dope shit to the table. I am an artist and create.
What do you consider your biggest professional success so far?
Keeping GOD first. Taking care of my family and raising my beautiful Daughter.
Who do you want to work with that you haven’t yet?
The Greatness that was before me my time.
What has been your biggest challenge?
Life in itself. It’s been a difficult dark journey but I now see that light at the end of the tunnel.
Tell us two things people don’t know about you?
That I’m chosen and I will be mentioned amongst the greats before leaving this Earth to Heaven.
You are very active on social media. Do you think its important to be online and if so why?
Not really It’s really the climb of networks and entertainment that keeps me involved. Other then that it’s honestly the biggest distraction in life and today’s society. It helps a whole lot but I don’t think you need it to be successful. Some of the most phenomenal actors only have ten thousand followers. What’s crazy is they are 10x wealthier then all the attention seekers with 1 million followers. Lol
You are a native of Nigeria but residing in Atlanta, Georgia. How is that working out for you?
This is the BEST decision my parents have ever done. It’s GREAT. I was ordered not to leave here until my ship arrived and I definitely see it approaching.
What are your must visit travel destinations?
All of the beautiful and exotic countries that the Seven seas have to offer.
Name 5 things we should take seriously about our style choices?
1. Be you
2. Be free
3. Be happy
4. Be comfortable
5. Most importantly be FREE.
How would you describe your style?
Supernatural fire ?
What music genre appeals to you the most?
All of them TBH. That’s what creates me. I’m eclectic I need it all in my life.
Name your five must have essentials?
1. God
2. Family
3. Love
4. Health
5. Faith
What are your favorite fashion trends?
No specifics. I dabble with whatever catches my eye.
What is your favorite dish?
Nigerian food straight from the village.
Apart from music, modelling, what other projects are you currently working on?
People love what I’m doing with my music videos. So I’m directing a little more then I expected for other people. I thought that would come later on in my career after I am able to get the visions out better with proper equipment and production. I see some people like what I’m doing in my early career so I’m moving.
Seeing you’re doing your dreams, what advice can you give others to pursue their dreams?
Don’t you ever let your fire die out! NEVER or you will Die. Fuel your flame even if you are by yourself. God is all you need.
Any specific plans for the future?
Health,Joy,happiness, Wealth, Forbes.
Any final words?
I’m Greatness and You WILL know who I am. Let’s GET IT!!!
Where can we follow you online and on social media?
Instagram: @obaisking
Facebook: Olawale B. Ajibola (King)
Twitter: @obaisking

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