INTERVIEW: Photographer & Fitness Motivator, Shane Antoine Talks Camera Gear, Eye for Detail, Lifestyle, Nike, Super Heroes, Atlanta and More…
Meet Atlanta based Photographer & Fitness Motivator, Shane Antoine known for his genuine expressions and emotion he captures exceptional photos and he is well regarded.
Shane specialises in countless types of photography, including head shots for acting and modeling, business photography as well as commercial shoots. He is also known for his passion for fitness and also motivating others into a happier healthier lifestyle.
Check out my interview with him below:
Hey Shane! Would you like to introduce yourself to our readers?
I’m Shane Antoine a Photographer from Louisiana, currently located in Atlanta GA.
Talk me through an average day in the life of you?
An average day for me isn’t really that average, I start my day pretty Early.
1. I normally wake up around 5:30am take out the dogs and feed them
2. Breakfast (Meal Prep)
3. I treat my body 1st ill explain more with daily gym routine
4. Get things done around the house
5. I typically have projects schedule every day to promote my brand.
What institution(s) did you attend and what did you study?
I attended (AHS) Acadiana High School in la Class of 2008 and I am currently pressuring a career in the Medical Field @ Penn Foster College.
What made you go into photography?
A very dear friend of mind by the name of Justin Jones who just recently passed away this year inspired me to become the photographer I am today. We moved from Louisiana to Atlanta together with me having no hopes nor dreams of becoming a photographer. The passion and the love for photography came from me watching him not only grow but show some much love to his passion that really got me.
Tell us more about your photography business “Cartier+Photography”?
Cartier Photography Started back in 2015 I actually got the name from a very talented Photographer by the name of Henri Cartier Bresson who was well known for his street photography. Henri Cariter-Bresson was a French Humanist Photographer and was almost one the very first to use the 35 mm film. Cartier Photography is a very unique brand, a brand that touches many different types of photography from
· Landscape Photography
· Action Sport Photography
· Event Photography
· Aerial Photography
· Candid Photography
· Fashion Photography
What does your camera gear/setup look like and what is your favourite camera/lens?
I keep it pretty simple. I own a Cannon 77d EF-S18-135 lens with a standard tripod. Cannon just recently became my favourite as I shot with Nikon for years until recently but switching over to Nikon.
You have grown your passion for fitness and also motivating others into a happier healthier lifestyle, will you say that as given you a brand-new perspective towards life?
Now only have I incorporated fitness into my lifestyle but it has become apart of my photography brand. Fitness has turned into a lifestyle for me from the way I think to the way walk. Fitness has done more than changed my life. It honestly has been one my best decisions.
You are a young entrepreneurial minded guy. How do you balance your personal and professional life?
Although I’m very passionate about everything I do professionally, I make my personal a priority meaning it comes first nothing or no one comes before it and that has to be the best balance in my opinion.
How often do you go to the gym and how many hours do you spend while you there?
My gym schedule is very aggressive its Monday – Friday 1 hour a day!! Some weekends too.
What’s your 5 Dos and Don’t when it comes to photography?
Do it all Be open to different photography styles this can and will increase your chances of being good in more than one area and it will make your business much more attractive.
1. Do the most!!
2. Do as much Promoting as possible!
3. Do your research!! You always want to be on top with you equipment editing software
4. Do Charity Events this is a great business move for any photography level
5. Do it all Be open to different photography styles this can and will increase your chances of being good in more than one area and it will make your business much more attractive.
1. Don’t become friend with clients I learned that the hard way keep it strictly business!
2. Don’t be closed mined. You are going to be working with different types of people with different wants and needs!!
3. Don’t compare your style of photography to anyone else!
4. Don’t get discourage its very important that you stay positive no matter what its tough when it comes to Being a photographer
5. The Main don’t is To don’t give up If you have a passion for something keep it.
That’s the true key to happiness doing what you love!!!
What will you say sets you aside from other photographers?
I would have to say me doing it all from events to landscaping to photo sessions, I do it all there is not one type of photography I do not do it is truly my passion.
What makes defines or makes a good photo?
A base Photo that tells a story.
What would you say is the main misconception the public have about photographers?
That photography is free.
What aspect surprised you the most once you started as a photographer?
That the Phrase Customers are always right has to be implemented!
Which brands, models, directors, clients have you worked with?
In the 1st year with me living here I worked with a few agencies most as a mentee.
What has been one of the most memorable jobs to work on?
It would have to be working offshore in the oil and gas industry.
Who do you want to work with that you haven’t yet?
Probably Nike.
I noticed your love for all things Nike and Super Heroes, why and who is your favourite Super Hero character?
Nike is really just came upon me as a teenager really ans used it ever since. Spider man has to be my favorite I can relate to his story from me growing into the person I am today.
Tell us two things people don’t know about you?
1. I have two amazing kids part of the reason why I live!!!
2. I don’t Drink or go to clubs.
What do you consider your biggest professional success so far?
I think my biggest success as of now would have to be actually perusing a career in the Medical Filed.
Who do you want to work with that you haven’t yet?
I don’t really have anyone I’m wanting to you work with.
What has been your biggest challenge?
Learning to accept who I once was.
You are active on social media. Do you think its important to be online and if so why?
Yes and No I say because if you have a business Social media is a great way to promote it. No because
You are originally from Louisiana but now based in Atlanta. How is that working out for you?
Life here is amazing for me, but I had to change for the greater good!
What are your must visit travel destinations?
In my last profession I travelled 100% of the time. From South Africa to South America and many more I’m all travelled out !!
Name things we should take seriously about our style choices?
1. Any style we pick in any area We Should be confident with it
2. Do what you feel fit take your style and make it yours
3. Be Consistent with it!
How would you describe your style?
Sporty if anything I only dress up for work!
What style genre appeals to you the most?
Active wear Nike.
Name your must have accessories/essentials?
1. My phone
2. Gym bag
3. Wallet
4. Keys lol
What are your favourite fashion trends?
Not really into fashion I’m always in sports most of the time.
What is your favourite dish?
I wouldn’t call it a Dish lol but I love Salads greens.
What songs are currently on your playlist?
I’m old fashioned I’m almost ashamed I have old music.
Apart from photography, fitness, what other projects are you currently working on?
A few Charity Events Closer to the Christmas.
Seeing you’re doing your dreams, what advice can you give others to pursue their dreams?
Be aggressive and Protective of you Happiness and dreams!!!
Any specific plans for the future?
Yes I have many different plans for the future which is the reason why im so aggressive with a lot ff different things right now.
Where can we follow you online and on social media?
Instagram: @forever_nike | @ Cartier_photography
Website: https://www.cartierphotography.net/

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