INTERVIEW: Actor & Model, Antonio Walker Talks Hollywood Dream, Tyler Perry, Social Media, ATL, #MeToo Movement, Fitness and More…

Meet Atlanta based 25 year old, Antonio Walker who is pursuing his dream of being in a powerful industry of modelling & acting and climbing up the ranks of the industry.
Check out my interview with Antonio below:

Hey Antonio! Would you like to introduce yourself to our readers?
Hello, my name is Antonio Walker. I’m 24 going on 25 this year and I’m a college graduate.

Talk me through an average day in the life of you?
As of right now, I have a 9-5 at a Credit Union, so I’ll go to work, get off around 5:45pm, and then from there I’ll either go do a side hustle job like cutting hair or deliver food to make extra cash. Once I’m done with either one of those, I’ll probably go workout for about an hour or so and head home where I’ll settle down, eat, shower, and probably watch some YouTube.

What institution(s) did you attend and what did you study?
My freshman year I attended Macon State College which is now called Middle Georgia State University. After my freshman year, I transferred to Kennesaw State where I studied Accounting.

How were you discovered and what inspired you to go into acting?
Well I’m still fresh with acting. I haven’t had many opportunities that actually went through with their plans. Most of them fell through for me. I was discovered by a acting and modeling school. They brought me in for an audition where I was accepted and took and finished their classes. Before i was discovered, I fell in love with taking photos with great photographers, which led to more and more feedback and all types of people.

You ended up also falling in love with modeling, why?
Modeling came out of nowhere for me. After I graduated from college, it took me more than a year to find a good steady job. During that year, I had plenty of time on my hands, so I just started taking photos for fun. I started posting great content and more and more people, especially photographers, started noticing and it went from there. I also have to mention this model coach that helped me understand the industry a little bit before I things get started for me.

What was your first audition process like?
My first audition was nerve-racking. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into, but I was up for the challenge. The director of the school had us stand for an hour plus giving us information about the industry and the school. After the information, we had to walk the runway and slate a commercial. Overall it was a learning experience.

What shows/movies have you starred in?
I haven’t starred in any movies or shows just yet, but I will soon. Just give me some time.

What will you say are some of the differences of being on either the big or small screens?
From what I know so far, the main difference that I know of would be the type of people you work with and the time on set. Small screen films/shows are more personal and you’ll be done a lot quicker where as large screen films/shows take a lot longer to produce and there are more people to deal with.

Speaking of differences, what type of TV shows do you find yourself watching?
I rarely watch TV to be honest, but if I were to watch a TV series, it will be something funny or something informative.

Tell me more about your love for acting and how you use it to communicate through your work?
Acting is something that I am learning more and more about as I go on with my career. Acting is growing on me more and more as I continue to pursue my dreams of being in the industry. I tend not to use it as much when I do work.

What will you say motivated/inspires you to stay dedicated to what you do?
What keeps me going is the believe in myself and my faith in God. When you believe so much in what you’re doing, things will tend to work its way out in your favor. You just have to keep pushing for what you want and have faith that you’ll achieve your goals. I love seeing the work I do and love receiving the feedback that I get every time I post a photo or video on Instagram.

What’s your 5 Dos and Don’t when it comes to acting and modeling?
- Do study you lines
- Do get into character when performing
- Do audition as if you’re already in the role
- Do model with confidence.
- Do study poses for photographs.
- Don’t act like you know everything
- Don’t act stiff in front of the camera
- Don’t forget your lines
- Don’t wear distracting clothes for your headshot
- Don’t act shy when acting.

Any plan to be on the radar of some of the top brand?
Work in progress, but be on the lookout for me in the future.

What do you do to stay in shape, do you go to the gym?
I like to workout everyday if I can. To stay in shape, I try to eat healthy foods, cut out fatty foods, and drink plenty of water.

How do you balance your personal and professional life?
I try to squeeze my social life with my busy schedule when I can. I’ll have to plan most of my outings with my friends in order for me to have some fun.

As a young actor, do you feel Hollywood is doing enough when it comes to encouraging new talents and promoting diversity?
To be honest, its slowly getting better. I see more diverse in Hollywood than I did before.

What is your take on the latest sexual allegations rocking the entertainment industry?
I believe its disgusting and wrong for men to do what they’ve done if they actually were guilty of committing the sexual act. No one should suffer like the women that have already lived through it. On the flip side, I believe some women are telling lies on men in order to get some money or just to throw shame on men, which is morally wrong.

What do you consider the most common stereotype people have about models?
I believe the most common stereotype for models would be that models don’t eat enough which isn’t good for your health.

What aspect surprised you the most once you started as an actor?
The amount of lines you have to study in order to perform. Depending on your role, you might have to learn a good amount of lines in a short amount of time.

Looking back to when you started acting and modeling, is there anything you would like to change about those industry?
I wouldn’t change much of anything about the industry. I believe things are working just fine.

Which brands, clients, photographers, models, actors, producers, directors, etc, have you worked with?
I have worked with a few photographers like; Shane Antoine to name a few, but many big name people in the industry are coming soon. Watch this space!

What do you consider your biggest professional success so far?
My biggest professional success would be signing with an agency here in Atlanta.

Who do you want to work with that you haven’t yet?
Tyler Perry and Kevin hart.

What has been your biggest challenge?
My biggest challenge as of now is getting my foot in the door into the industry for acting and modeling. It’s not as easy as people might think.

Tell us two things people don’t know about you?
I’m allergic to certain fruits and I’m the youngest in my family.

You are very active on social media. Do you think its important to be online and if so why?
Yes it’s very important to be involved with social media because if not, you will easily get left behind.

You are currently based in Atlanta. How is that working out for you?
Atlanta is working great for me. The film industry is slowly getting bigger and bigger here and there are plenty of opportunities here as well.

What are your must visit travel destinations?
Dubai, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York City, Hawaii, etc. –

Name 5 things we should take seriously about our style choices?
- Wear clothes that fit you
- Don’t be afraid to try different things and brands
- Follow trends, but not too much
- Spend your money wisely
- Have confidence in your clothes

How would you describe your style?
My style is more laid back, but stylish. I like more of the athletic type of clothes but I also like streetwear and classy style of clothing too.

What style genre appeals to you the most?
Classy Style, but comfortable.

Name your 5 must have accessories/essentials?
- Wrist bracelets
- Tie Clip
- Watches
- Nice Socks
- Nice Necklace

What are your favourite fashion trends?
- Bomber jackets
- Denim Jackets
- Suede Boots/ Chelsea Boots, etc

What is your favourite dish?
I’m not picky when it comes to food because I love to eat. I would lean towards a good pasta dish with some seafood.

What songs are currently on your playlist?
I listen to a lot of Hip Hop and R&B. Some Pop and Old School here and there.
Apart from acting, modelling, what other projects are you currently working on?
I’m working on actually becoming debt free. I have a little ways to go, but i’m on track.

Seeing you’re doing your dreams, what advice can you give others to pursue their dreams?
Keep grinding, keep pushing for what you Love to do. Don’t let anyone distract you from what you want to do in your life. I’m young right now and single so I have no excuse to not pursue my dreams. Also, have faith and belief that you will get there. No one knows how long it’ll take you, but if you don’t give up, things will fall into place if you are serious about your dreams.
Any specific plans for the future?
Be debt free, work in multiple films, TV shows, commercials, retail ads, travel , etc.

Any final words?
Follow you dreams and follow your passions and the rest will take care of itself. Don’t Give Up on what you want in your life. Go for it!
Where can we follow you online and on social media?
You can follow me on Instagram @Toniooh.

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