AUDIO: Sean Dampte FT. J – Don & Cold Juice – Gentleman & A Gangsta

The Lost Tape Series by music sensation Sean Dampte, delivered its third instalment titled Gentleman & A Gangsta featuring J-Don and Cold juice. Cold juice makes his second appearance on the series.
The Lost Tape Series is a compilation of 5 singles from the archives of Savage Music Inc front man Sean Dampte, that were recorded in 2011. For those following the series, this third instalment builds on the earlier two singles ‘Moove’ with Super HighBee featuring Cold Juice and Can’t Nobody that features Afro Beat heavy hitter Tillaman.
The track ‘Gentleman & A Gangsta’ delivers a hook for years that reminds us of all the Motown Classics of the past. An easy to follow chorus that sheds light on the workings of an upcoming artist! ‘… do the 9 – 5, just to pay the bills’ Sean Dampte roars in his verse. With J-Don on the hook and Cold Juice on top of his game, this is a song to vibe to, clap to and dance to. Definitely a track to save and add to the playlists.
The classic was recorded at Cloud 9 Studios, Belfast, Northern Ireland in 2011.

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