INTERVIEW: Dancer, Rapper, & Singer, Darell “Sevndeep” Turner Talks Success of His 7 track EP, “Maurice Monroe”, Past Relationships, Support from the LGBTQ community, Relocating to Atlanta, and More…

Dancer/Rapper, Darell Turner, aka SEVNDEEP, talks latest EP, music industry, influences, past relationships, and transiting from Washington, D.C. to Los Angeles and now Atlanta to expand his career.
Check out my exclusive interview with Sevn below:

Hey Sevn! Would you like to introduce yourself to our readers?
It’s Sevndeep. I’m a dancer, rapper, and singer from Virginia currently based in Atlanta, Georgia!
Talk me through an average day in the life of you?
Currently with the quarantine I’m up early researching, listening to beats and writing. I’m in the recording studio and dance studio a few days out the week preparing for the stage.
What institution(s) did you attend and what did you study?
I went to Shaw U & ODU and I studied “Digital film production”

When did you discover your love for music and How did your journey into music begin?
I’ve always loved music. I have a lot of musicians in my family. I’ve always been an artist but I started taking it seriously a year ago.
How did you come up with the “Sevndeep”?
I’ve been SEVN for about 10 years now and I added the “deep” on the end because I’ve been told that I have a deeper voice. It actually just came together one day in the studio.
How would you describe the music scene in the United States and is it helping indie artist like you grow?
I think the music scene is over-saturated with indie artist but none like myself. I’m the first of my kind and I think that alone helps me out a lot. The United States gives us a lot of freedom to be ourselves and create freely.
You recently released a 7 track EP “Maurice Monroe” and the music video which was a mashup of 4 tracks in the EP, what are the messages behind the the video?
I’m obsessed with blood, guns, horror films, etc. I wanted to create a visual that would leave you on the edge of your seat and that was unpredictable. It’s about a guy who gets cheated on by his girlfriend and kills both the girlfriend and the guy she cheated on him with.
From your singles ““BANG BANG” and “Talk of the Town“, what as the music journey experience been like so far?
It’s been awesome finding my own voice. I’m a totally different artist since I dropped those singles. Everyday I’m growing as an artist.
After your last relationship broke-up/divorce, what will you say keeps you motivated/inspired to stay dedicated and focused in your artistry?
I’ve always been motivated regardless of my relationship status. I think the only time people lose hope or motivation is when their relationship defines them. I’ve never been defined by any relationship so as an artist motivation and me being focused comes natural.
You once had a vlog YouTube channel were you showed your fans a glimpse of your life and then the channel was deleted, any plans to start another one in the nearest future?
Nah. No time soon for the YouTube.
I heard you got plans of releasing a another EP later this year, what is the title and who will be featured in it?
I have a few surprise features and as far as the title I haven’t decided just yet. I have a few ideas but nothing set just yet.
Given your passion for Equality and LGBTQI matters, will you say the community as shown you that much support?
Actually I have received a lot of support from every community but the LGBTQ community has been amazing when it comes to support.

You are a young entrepreneurial and creative minded guy. How do you balance your personal and professional life?
I make time for everything. It’s definitely challenging but I do a good job at balancing. I take a break when I need to regroup but I have to make time for everything.
What’s your 5 Dos and Don’t when it comes to music?
Right now, I’m trying everything. The most important thing I do is stay original and true to my artistry. I don’t listen to any other artist when I’m in my creative process.

What do you do to stay in shape, do you go to the gym?
I love to hike. That’s the most I’m doing lol.
What would you say is the main misconception the public have about the music industry?
I’m still new to the industry so I’m still in the beginning stages. It’s definitely more of a business than I thought.
What aspect surprised you the most once you started working in the industry?
Again, I’m new to the industry so I haven’t really had any bad experiences just yet. Praying that it stays that way. Lol

Looking back to when you started doing music and dancing, is there anything you would like to change going forward?
Not really. Just gonna stay true to what I love and who I am.
Which brands, clients, artists, photographers, producers, directors, dancers, etc., have you worked with?
A lot. Too many to name lol and the list is still growing .
What do you consider your biggest professional success so far?
My last EP. I’m truly in love with the outcome. Everything from the music, to the music video, to the cover art.
Who do you want to work with that you haven’t yet?
Megan, Da baby, Khia, Normani, Lil Nas X , Cardi, TINASHE, and the list goes on…. I’m open to working with a lot of people.
What has been your biggest challenge?
Just saying “fu*k it” and actually doing it. Taking a chance. It’s been amazing this far.
Tell us two things people don’t know about you?
- I love to hike.
- I’m the oldest of 11.

You are very active with massive following on social media with over 47k followers on Instagram alone. Do you think its important to be online and if so why?
Yes it is. It’s the way of the new generation. You have to be active on social media to reach the masses quicker.
You were once based in Washington, DC, then Los Angeles but now living in the Atlanta. Why the decision to move to the ATL after 9 months in LA and How is that working out for you?
I lived in Los Angeles for a year and Atlanta is cool so far.
I know you have told me that you love London, but what will you say are your other must visit travel destinations?
Cabo and Paris. Love those.
As a dancer, how would you describe your style?
Jazz funk.

What influences your dance moves as far music is concerned?
The beat.
Name 4 things we should take seriously about our style choices?
- A good shoe
- A good jean
- Sometimes less as more
- Your scent
That’s it lol
What are your favourite fashion trends?
Don’t really have any.
What is your favourite dish?
Italian food.

What music genre appeals to you the most?
Hip Hop and Pop.
What songs are currently on your music playlist?
My music, Lolita Leopard, Delli Bo, Megan, Cardi, Lil Kim, Nicki, Da Baby, Migos, Zaythoz, Kanye
Apart from music, dancing, what other projects are you currently working on?
I’m directing a few videos for some other artists.
Seeing you’re doing your dreams, what advice can you give others to pursue their dreams?
DO IT and don’t make excuses. Chase your dreams relentlessly.
Any specific plans for the future?
Just keep creating.

Where can we follow you online and on social media?
The best way to follow me will be with the handle @sevndeep_ on Twitter and Instagram.

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