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MOVIE REVIEW: Marriage in the Dark


MOVIE REVIEW: Marriage in the Dark

Hats off to director, Silver Achugamonye, for his brilliant attempt to portray marriage in a manner that often many try to disregard. ‘Marriage in the Dark’ follows the gripping story of a submissive woman, Jojo (Taiwo Sofowora), whose devotion and desperate desire to please her puritanical parents has left her imprisoned in a toxic marriage to a notorious womaniser, Ronald, (Segun Alex-Jimoh), whose scheming motives are soon to throw him in a self dag pit.

In the opening scene we’re introduced to Ronald and Gila’s (Marjorie Agwang) characters, where we witness the birthing of their corrupted love affair; as they connect eyes during a rather quarrelsome phone conversation with who we (the audience) can only assume to be their exes.

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In the movie we’re presented with some intriguing case of characters, who seem to have a rather outlandish connection with one another, and through the smooth progression of the movie we begin to build a healthier understanding of each one of their motives.

This movie is not one for the faint-hearted; in the film Achugamonye cleverly paints a picture of what he describes as ‘the other side of marriage’. It’s made very clear from the get-go that no character is entirely immaculate and watching Ronald transform from the narcissistic and self-absorbed chap to an utter psychopath packed with some alarming intensions, undoubtedly helped to add a certain je ne sais quoi to the movie that we don’t often see in a lot of African cinematography.

What I particularly enjoyed about this movie was Silver’s realistic portrayal of modern relationships through the characters and for that I give him two thumbs up.

Watch ‘Marriage in the Dark’ exclusively showing on the Free UN1TY APP. Download the APP to watch more African movie Now at:

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Asuquo Eton founded, now one of the most visited TV, music, tech and features website, in 2011. He is also a social media analyst, media and entertainment consultant.

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