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Meet Richard Nwaoko aka Rich Chill – The entrepreneur, director, double degree holder, actor, and model setting the bar for young black men across the board


Meet Richard Nwaoko aka Rich Chill – The entrepreneur, director, double degree holder, actor, and model setting the bar for young black men across the board


Meet Richard Nwaoko, but known by fans as Rich Chill and he is taking over in the entertainment world. An entrepreneur, a director, a double degree holder (BA and MA degrees received at Fairleigh Dickinson University), an actor, and a model setting the bar for young black men across the board.

Given the name Chukwuemeka by his Nigerian parents, Richard’s life is a testament to his name’s meaning, ‘God has done well, setting the path straight’. Richard believes everyone has something to offer. In showcasing his own talent, he lives out his commitment to encourage and unleash the talent, potential and greatness of others.

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In an exclusive interview with Asuquo Eton, Richard tells us about himself, his brand RichChill TV, favourite Nigeria song and so much more…

Tell us a little more about the man, Richard Nwaoko?
I am a man that is passionate about entertaining others.

– Why the name Rich Chill? How did you come up with that?
I actually didn’t come up with the name Rich Chill. The name was kinda given to me by the students at my former college Fairleigh Dickinson University. People always called me Rich for short, but the name Chill didn’t come until later. I was extremely involve on my college campus, I was the on campus deejay, the MC for student organizations, a division one athlete for Track and Field, and participated in annual fashion shows. People label me as the guy that never ‘CHilled’. Rich always had to be doing something some will say. I then became Rich Chill.

Rich Chill Promo 1

– What made you go into acting?
I kinda always was interested in acting it was another form of entertainment. I grew watching a lot of television, and honestly TV was my escape from the troubles of reality. Now, I just want to continue to make a contribution to what inspired me as child which was 90s sitcoms such Martin, Fresh Prince of Bel, and The Waynes Brothers.

– Which celebrities have you worked with?
So far Jamie Foxx, and African Youtuber Clifford Owusu looking forward to collaborating with more artist.

Rich Miami Life

– Who do you want to work with that you haven’t yet?
Andrew Bachelor, Issa Rae, Jamie Foxx, Idris Elba, and Tyler Perry.

– When did you decide starting your own online TV network (RichChillTV)?
Last year November was the exact month. Simply wanted to take responsible for my future. Wanted to set a goal for my life and work towards it while inspiring other young black entertainers to believe and achieve.

RichChill Featured on StyleFeen

– Can you tell our readers what RichChillTV is all about?
Its online stations where viewers can watch funny sketch comedy skits, shows, and influencial documentaries. Also, RichChillTV is also a production house where aspiring actors/models can jump start their career.

– Would you say staying in the U.S. has affect your style in anyway?
I definitely believe your enivorment plays a huge role in personal style. I am inspired by everything that surrounds me. I live life to learn.

– Do you still model?

– How would you describe your style?

suit blue

– What style genre appeals to you most?
Suits there nothing better than a taylor suit.

– What does your personal life on a daily basis entail?
Workout, Shoot, Edit, Pray.

– What has been your biggest challenge?
Can’t say I have a biggest challenge

– Name your must have accessories/essentials?
Gold watch, pocket square for my blazer.

– What are your favorite fashion trends?

Rich Chill Suit Tan

– Do you still visit Nigeria?
Yes, but not as often as I should.

– What is your favorite Nigerian dish?
Nothing beats Jollof rice and chicken, but my taste buds has change over the past couple of years. Right now, I might be Abacha.

– Do you listen to Nigerian music, if yes which songs are currently on your playlist?
Dorobucci is my favorite track of all time.

– You emerged 5th in Skales’ “Shake Body Competition”, what motivated you to enter?
Skales is an upcoming artist and definitely wanted to show love and support. I wish we would have won, but had lots of fun making that video.

– Apart from acting and modeling, what other projects are you currently working on?
Currently I am in pre production for my next project which I will be directing a sitcom.

– Seeing you’re 24 and doing your dreams at a young age what advice can you give others to pursue their dreams?
Pursue your dreams with all your heart; if you do the world will help you get there. You just have to believe and have faith.

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Asuquo Eton founded, now one of the most visited TV, music, tech and features website, in 2011. He is also a social media analyst, media and entertainment consultant.

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