EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Liberian born AfroPop Artist, G-Rize talks Masterpiece EP, Family, Moving to the United States, Music Dos and Don’ts, Investing, and much more…
The Afro-Centric Liberian star, Augustus Cole JR, commonly known by his extensive fan base as “G-Rize,” is originally from Liberia but currently resides Minnesota. While living in Liberia, specifically at the age of seven, G-Rize embraced the notion of realizing that music wasn’t just a part of his culture, but rather a driving force in his life. This driving force propelled him significantly as he soon began his journey as an artist.
In 2003, he migrated to the United States of America in hopes of a brighter future as well as to pursue his musical career. It was soon after migrating, that he earned the stage name “G-Rize.”
G-Rize’s dedication, hard work, and passion for music has brought him to record numerous songs. Not only that, but he has performed on numerous stages throughout the United States! Some of these places include his four time performance at the Liberian Entertainment Awards and his memorable performance at Panama City during spring break.
In 2015 G-Rize and his team came out with D.O.F Dreams Over Fears Entertainment. With all his hard work, G-Rize videos began playing all around the world! One of his many accomplishments included his song, LIB Ladies. This song became one of West Africa’s top videos on Soundcity.
His music continues to prosper which humbles his entire experience as an artist. G-Rize is also a firm believer of following your dreams since he never takes anything for granted. This is just one of the many themes incorporated in his everyday demeanor which encourages his fans to not only do better but to be better individuals. With that in mind, G-Rize is truly an artist to watch out for because he is making his way to the top!
Check out my exclusive interview with G-Rize below:
Hey G-Rize! Would you like to introduce yourself to our readers?
Hey Guys! I go by the name Augustus Cole but my friends and fans know me as G-Rize because of my entertainment.
Talk me through an average day in the life of you?
First when I wake up I give thanks, eat sometimes, get my kids ready for school, check my email and social medias before I head out of the house to head to work. Work might be photo shoot, video shoot or recording in the studio.
What institution(s) did you attend and what did you study?
I when to MSB Minnesota School of Business. I went there to study the business side of music.
Why the interest in music and how will you describe your type of music?
I have loved music since I was a kid. Growing up my mother was in a church choir. She put me into the kids church choir. I didn’t like it so I cry every time on my way to rehearsal because I thought singing was for girls at the time. I always wanted to play soccer even though I love music, I really love soccer. Let just say soccer was something that I really love at the time. Now I can’t go with out music. I really got close to music after I lost my mother. Music safe my life. That’s why I love to make happy music, I want to sing something to keep people dancing. I describe my sound as Afro/Pop a little culture sound mixed with pop beats.
How did you come up with the name “G-Rize”?
G-Rize was a name I came up with when my friends and I was looking for a name for me lol My gramma heard it and loved it. She believes that was the right name for me because I’m her star lol she said “Everyday you is a new day to rise up” you rising up.
Tell us more about your label, “D.O.F Dreams Over Fears Entertainment” and which artists are signed to it?
D.O.F is an independent label my manager and I came up with. We don’t have any artist signed right now. I’m the main focus until we build a little bit then we will start looking out there for artists. I called D.O.F and my independent hustle. lol
How’s the music industry in the United States compared to Liberia?
Well I haven’t really been back home for a while now, but I will say from what I see. The industry in America is more organized then the one in Liberia. And it also have more financial backing. But in due time I pray we get it together. Liberia
You just released the visual for your hit track “Show Me That” from your upcoming Ep “Masterpiece.”. What will you say was the main message and concept behind the video?
Just you falling in love with someone and not knowing they are creeping behind your back. Even thou you buy them things put them in big houses but they still not happy or satisfied so they creep! #TrueStory
Talking about your upcoming Ep “Masterpiece.”, why the title and when should your fans expect it to be released?
I called it Masterpiece because it one of my BEST work so far. I put a lot and I mean a lot of money, time & energy behind it. I will be releasing it January of 2017 because I will need more time to get it right. Right now its at 90% done. I want it to be 110% hahaha
You left Liberia for the United States in 2003, what was the reason and plans to return and invest in the country?
I left for a long time. My people have been through so many things and I pray everyday that I can be in the position where I can go back and help out. Man we been through 17 or 18 years of civil war that little country been through a lot man. A lot. That’s why I want to go back and help out the day I’m financially set.
You are a young entrepreneurial minded guy. How do you balance your personal and professional life?
When its time for business I’m all about business. When its time for joking around or taking care of my kids I’m all in. I know how to control my mind.
Looking at your photos from 2013 to now in 2016 there as been massive changes and improvements when it comes to fitness, why do you feel need for this?
Man not only that sec sale but I need to stay healthy if I want to be in this business for the long run. And if you feeling, good, looking good nothing can stop you lol
How often do you go to the gym and how many hours do you spend while you there?
I wish I was going to the gym more but not than often. I will go like 2 days a week at night and stay for like an hour or 2 I know I know that sucks but I got a lot on my plate haha
What’s your 5 Dos and Don’t when it comes to music?
1. Take your music serious
2. Work hard
3. Give the fans quality work
4. Be professional
5. Believe in yourself no matter what ppl say always do what makes you happy.
1. Don’t rush your music
2. Don’t be a follower
3. Don’t lost focus
4. Don’t settle for less
5. Don’t bullshit yourself
What would you say is the main misconception the public have about musicians?
That we got our shit together and most of the time we don’t. Especially when it comes to getting pay from a show. Not everyone out here making money.
What aspect surprised you the most once you started as an artiste?
That people will love you to hate you lol idk if that makes any sense but that’s so true. People want you to do good but not better than them.
Which brands, producers, directors, clients and musicians have you worked with?
Man a lot. To give you some names, artist like bigg-timee, D12, Chris Desheild producer Master Rell, Infection Micheal, the ABCD guys from Maryland and the list goes on..
What has been one of the most memorable jobs to work on?
I love to be in the studio vibing together with other talented artists or producers. I love when I’m shooting videos too. It stressful but I like it.
Who do you want to work with that you haven’t yet?
Wizkid, Deng, Davido, Diamond Platinum and the list goes on lol I just want to vibe with these guys in the studio one day. I know we can both come out with something super dope. But get me wrong thou i like a lot of artist out there too.
Tell us two things people don’t know about you?
I love to cook and I love to listen to a lot of preaching online. I’m hook right now to this guy called Joel Osteen. He’s really really good.
What do you consider your biggest professional success so far?
By performing in NYC for Jersey International and also getting my website done and lunching it just like I wanted to right after I dropped my new video.
Who do you want to work with that you haven’t yet?
A lot of artists but Wizkid is one guy I’m looking forward to working with.
What has been your biggest challenge?
Man Life!! OMG life is a B at times, we keep learning as we go. I was just going through a lot of stuff in half of 2016 and that shit came from no where. I was like WTF! but yea that’s it.
You are very active on social media. Do you think its important to be online and if so why?
Yes it is important because that’s how you communicate with your fans and you get to reach out to many people out there. We live in a technology world now you can be left behind. Artist need to build their social media platforms because it helps in so many ways.
You are originally from Liberia, but now mostly live in Minnesota, USA. How is that working out for you?
Great I came here in 2003 to better my life and since then things are going good for me and my family. Not all good but for the most part let just say better than going back home. God is great.
What are your must visit travel destinations?
Just in the U.S. I like the east coat. I go out there a lot. Philadelphia, MaryLand, DC and all that. I’m so wishing on traveling overseas to like Africa back home, the U.K. Or Australia for a tour I just want to leave America and go tour out there and come back.
Name 5 things we should take seriously about our style choices?
Your shoes game should always be on point make sure of that. Don’t be afraid to wear what makes you feel good. Express yourself with your favorite color. Wear suit when it necessary and dress down when it necessary.
How would you describe your style?
Clam cool and collective with good taste lol
What music genre appeals to you the most?
Name your five must have accessories/essentials?
1. My Phone
2. My laptop
3. My hard drive
4. Cologne
5. Back bag
What are your favorite fashion trends?
1. Nice fitted suit
2. Nice jacket with skinny jeans and dope kicks
3. Blazer with skinny jeans
4. Fedora
5. Nice cool sun glasses with white Tee and skinny jeans with fly Jordan lol
6. I love me some kicks! Jordan’s Yeezy or Timberland.
What is your favorite dish?
Cassava leaf and rice ???lol
What songs are currently on your playlist?
Everything! and I mean everything lol I love country music too I love the vibe it gives me.
Apart from music, what other projects are you currently working on?
Being a better father and a better person. I want to get to know the man in me. I know I’m sounding crazy but I really do. I don’t want to have a lost soul out here so I’m focus on bettering myself and making sure the people around me are good too.
Seeing you’re doing your dreams, what advice can you give others to pursue their dreams?
To those out their going after their dreams. Keep your head up and don’t stop for no one. Have faith in you. Be you and go conquer the world.
Any specific plans for the future?
I just want to win win and win more! Lol All blessings from God. I want to retire my dad man, I really do. I don’t want him to work again. Big goal for me. I want to change my family lives and be able to help people out in a major way. I want to be wiser too lol
Any final words?
Just want to tell all my supporters out there thanks from the bottom of my Heart for all your love and support. Thank you for taking the time out to listen or share my music. It means a lot to me. To those out their going after their dreams. Keep your head up and don’t stop for no one. Have faith in you. Go conquer the world.
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