Big Brother Naija Day 35 Live Show 5: Biggie emptied the House of four Housemates in one go
Bally and Ese were the first to be asked by Biggie to walk out of the House, leaving behind absolutely shellshocked Housemates.”It’s a lie, it’s a lie” uttered Uriel as she walked towards embracing the exiting Ese and Bally.”It’s a lie, it’s a lie” reiterated Bisola followed by others like a mantra against the unexpected turn of events.
The sky had fallen down onto the Housemates yet nothing could prepare them for Biggie’s next trick: Bisola and Jon’s departure. Unlike the first exit, Bisola and Jon’s had stirred much less emotions among Housemates who did not seem to make a case out of it – theirs felt more like a rushed routine.
However real wahala emerged once the Four Evictees were in the Arena: Bisola was heard cursing out loud upon hearing Ese ordered to make her final exit.An overwhelmed Bally was struggling to keep a composed body language although his eyes betrayed apprehension – he for whom it was the first time coming under Biggie’s radar.
When Jon and Ese appeared on the Big Brother stage, they were warmly greeted and thanked by Host Ebuka for their impeccable performances that had caused faultless clashes among Housemates. Fondly reminiscing over their time in the House, Ese and Jon seemed delighted to have accomplished their mission.
Back in the Arena, Bisola and Bally – who both have both have won immunity privileges – seemed to have regained a sense of calm following Biggie’s announcement that they had won an exclusive Paradise Holiday and wouldn’t be returning to the House – for now.

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