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Big Brother Naija Day 47: Biggie informs Housemates about the ONE Task as well as creating a song for it too

Reality TV

Big Brother Naija Day 47: Biggie informs Housemates about the ONE Task as well as creating a song for it too

The mood in the House was very sombre as the Housemates decided to work on their ONE AFRICA presentations and to take short naps in between. But in usual Big Brother fashion, the HoH was called into the Diary Room and he emerged with a Brief from Biggie for the Housemates.

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There were no preambles to the Brief as Biggie instructed the Housemates to focus on the ONE presentation they have been working on. The Brief further informed the Housemates of what was at stake. The winner of the ONE presentation Task would join an elite list of celebrities championing the plights of the girl child and attend the UN General Assembly event in New York in September.

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Biggie also instructed the Housemates to create an original musical piece with the theme “Lets Educate Our Girl child” which they are expected to perform tomorrow alongside their individual presentations. The last instruction from the Brief was that Biggie expected every Housemate to participate in this musical Task, even if not all of them sing; and the performance should NOT be longer than four minutes.

The Housemates quickly retrieved the supply of writing materials Biggie had left for them in the store room and got back to working on their Task, motivated by the opportunity to become a part of a global campaign that touches every heart.

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Will the Housemates deliver another sterling performance for their ONE presentation tomorrow? Will they impress Biggie and the ONE AFRICA judges or will they receive another negative reward for putting up a shoddy presentation? The clock ticks away time as the Housemates summon all their creative juices.

Asuquo Eton founded, now one of the most visited TV, music, tech and features website, in 2011. He is also a social media analyst, media and entertainment consultant.

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