INTERVIEW: Atlanta Based Hospitality Entrepreneur, Reggie Matthews Talks Turning 30, Family, Real Estate, Hospitality, Style and More…
Hospitality entrepreneur, Reggie Matthews who is best know on social media for his love for fashion and there is nothing you will find sexier than someone being able to express yourself through your own individual style.
Reggie who works in the hospitality industry plans to go big time into real estate in 2019 and looks forward to working with people in property management.
He is very involved with his family and enjoys going on vacations (holidays), shopping, hanging & laughing with friends.
Check out my exclusive interview with Reggie below:
Hey Reggie! Talk me through an average day in the life of you?
An average day in my life more than likely consist of work. I work a lot because I have expensive taste. Just trying to support my habits & live my best life!
What institution(s) did you attend and what did you study?
I attended a community college back home in TN.
What inspired you to go into the hospitality industry?
Funny enough it’s kinda something I just came across looking for extra money but fell in love.
Will you say the industry in the United States is doing well?
The Hospitality industry? I would say so, we’re in a slow season now but will be picking up soon.
Looking at your photos from 2014 till now, I can tell you love to dress well and look classy. What will you say motivated/inspired you to and stay dedicated in it?
I just try to stay true to what I know I like. I take pride in my appearance because the way a person carries themselves speaks to their character.
I hear you have plans to go full blast into Real Estate in 2019, is that true and why?
That’s true! I’ve always considered real estate because I know I’m a very personable person and I can see myself providing people with that amazing feeling/experience of purchasing a new home even if it’s their first one or 17th one!
What will you say are your 5 Dos when it comes to working in the Hospitality business?
1. Be confident
2. Be personable
3. Know not all guest are the same
4. Know your stuff
5. Have fun! Make every experience a great one.
How do you balance your professional and personal life?
It can be a little difficult because I do work a lot so that so that leaves little time to actually enjoy life the way I want to I I’ve realize that has to change soon!
You recently turned 30, how does that make you feel?
I feel good about 30! Definitely a milestone & I’m looking forward to what it has to offer.
What aspect surprised you the most once you started in the hospitality industry?
What surprised me the most was the difference in needs of people. You honestly have to have patience & willing to understand people’s needs.
Looking back to when you started in hospitality, is there anything you would like to change about those industries?
I can’t really think of anything I would change. Leave learned so much and continue to everyday and growth in something you enjoy doing is always good.
Which brands, clients, hotels, photographers, etc, have you worked with?
Since being in hospitality the last few years I’ve been apart of the Marriott & SPG brands. I’ve just only had the chance to work with local photographers.
What do you consider your biggest professional success so far?
I’ll always say my biggest problem professional success would be an advancements that come my way in life. I always strive to better myself so doing that is a reward with itself to me.
What has been your biggest challenge?
Doubting myself. I know that I have the ability to do and be whatever I want to be. It’s always about being able to believe in myself and making my dreams come true.
Tell us two things people don’t know about you?
2 things people may not know about me?
1. I’m usually a VERY private person.
2. I could get married tomorrow and no one would know lol I like that though.
You are currently residing in Atlanta. How is that working out for you?
I’ve been in Atlanta about four years a now and I like it. I needed a chance from TN and I think it was definitely a step in the right direction for me. I know it’s not my last stop though.
What are your must visit travel destinations?
In the states? Houston, I have close friends out there and it’s always a good time when we’re together but also it’s always something to do so it’s an awesome city.
Name 5 things we should take seriously about our style choices?
1. The fit HAS to be right
2. Whatever you wear should make you feel good
3. Know what works for your body type
4. Knowing that less is more. Don’t do too much!
5. The neater/cleaner is everything.
What is your favorite dish?
I LOVE pasta! I could eat it everyday.
What songs are currently on your playlist?
I’m currently listening to The Carters, Drake, Travis Scott, Kendrick Lamar, & J. Cole.
Apart from hospitality, what other projects are you currently working on?
Looking to get more into modelling.
Any specific plans for the future?
Just keep growing in my career, travel more, stay driven, & consider looking towards marriage & children soon.
Any final words?
Thank you so much for this opportunity! You guys will be seeing more of me soon!
Where can we follow you online and on social media?
Facebook: Reggie Matthews
Instagram: @reg_not_bush

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