INTERVIEW: Model and Consultant, Savion Hendrix (Sage) talks Promoting Diversity, Doing PR for Saint Riché, Overcoming Suicide, Calvin Thomas, and More…

In today’s feature I had the pleasure of interviewing Dallas based Model and talent manager, Savion Hendrix aka Sage.
Check out my interview with him below:

Hey Savion! Would you like to introduce yourself to our readers?
Of course ! Hello you all, my name is Savion Hendrix, but you can call me Sage. My family is from Denver, Colorado but i was born here in Dallas . A lot of people mistake my kindness, generosity and other traits as something more than it is, but It’s honestly just apart of what makes me me. I feel God made me me for a reason that’s bigger than me . (Hope that makes sense lol)

Talk me through an average day in the life of you?
Every once in awhile I take time to take care of my mental state and body , but it’s mostly working towards my dream. Whether it’s me being in the gym, looking or coming across casting call post, writing. It honestly just depends.
What institution(s) did you attend and what did you study?
I attended THE PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY and studied criminal justice as well as psychology.

How did you come up with the name “SAGE”?
It’s been a nickname my mom gave me since I was little. Family members began to call me that and as i grew older i started to understand the meaning more. Going into what I’m doing now I started going by that because I feel as if I’m becoming the human form of “sage”

How were you discovered and how as your modelling journey been so far?
I haven’t officially been discovered. I’m still pretty slept on tbh, but the ones that have met and come across me know I am rising to become THE next big thing.
My modeling journey has had its ups and downs. I thank God for both because one cannot succeed and or progress without the other. You have to be able to be taught and willing to learn just as much as you personally think you know. I’m progressing and learning and it’s been interesting. I look forward to what’s to come .

What was your first audition process like?
My first audition process … I was nervous lol. I was new, less experienced and there were so many people more experienced than I was. But I reminded myself the reason why i was here and the confidence I learned to gain in myself. I reminded myself that there is no other person like me and that’s just that. I knew i could be and that I AM “that guy” someone was looking for.
I focused and got out of my own head .

You recently walked the runway at Afrimma, one of the biggest African platform in the United States. What was the experience like being able to showcase talent on such a big platform?
Yes I did and that experience was dope. I was honored that I was considered to represent such amazing designers during the event. I can honestly say that brought me recognition personally from a different scale and i met so many other amazing and beautiful hearted models, dancers and more who have interesting and wonderful personalities.

Tell me more about your love for modelling and how you use it to communicate through your other works?
I developed a love for modeling some months ago . But the love I have for it is one i already had deep down, I just had to unlock it. It’s actually helped me with my confidence growth lol. The more i do it the more I love it and realize “yeah i can do this, this is who i am”

What will you say motivated/inspires you to stay dedicated to what you do?
Observation tbh. (Think about that) Knowing/going though what I’ve been through and also the feeling it brings to me mentally and physically.

What’s your 5 Dos and Don’t when it comes to modelling?
- Be confident in yourself
- Work (it’s not just going to come, stay down)
- Be willing to learn
- Be social
- Be you
- Don’t do too much
- Cockiness (as far as thinking you that Man or woman and then be surprised when you’re told “No” or don’t get picked .
- Don’t be Inconsistent
- Don’t be afraid
- Don’t Quit

You also do PR for an artist called “Saint Riché”, what made you go into talent management and PR?
It isn’t something I just sat down and said “I want to do this” I don’t manage him but yes I am his PR which I believe you don’t need a degree or special type of training in order to do that. I have a certain let’s say talent of knowing how to put certain things together. Knowing what things should look like or what certain things need to be done in order to get a certain result/look. I also write as well and have an ear as well as an eye.
He noticed that along with other things and decided to make me his PR. Everyone needs some type of strong , loyal team. Rather it’s a lot of people or just 2-3. Could just be one other person. You have the RIGHT people around you in your circle and you will thrive .

What do you do to stay in shape, do you go to the gym?
I literally go to the gym 5-6 sometimes 7 days a week in the mornings . I wake up around 5:45-6am and go for a good hour. Sometimes a hour and a half . I also watch what i drink and eat . You have to be consistent and have a Positive mind frame . It’s not going to be easy but your body as well as yourself will feel great when it’s all said and done. You will thank yourself . Most people are like “i want to go to the gym… I’m going to go … Can i go with you ?” And etc but never do or back out. It’s more mental than physical . Not everyone will seriously do it but IT CAN BE DONE !

How do you balance your personal and professional life?
God. I talk to him everyday and night. He helps me stay sane through both .

As a published model, do you feel the fashion industry is doing enough when it comes to encouraging new talents and promoting diversity?
There’s a certain “look” that’s in this industry. As far as encouraging new talent I feel more could be done, but at the same time only so much can be done. You have to be willing to find that fire inside yourself to say “regardless of what you might think or whoever might say something, I’m going to make you pick me, You’re going to see me.”
Diversity wise there’s always going to be “a certain way” things go or the way things are promoted unless more people change what’s inside their hearts . But i mean that’s a tale as old as time .

What do you consider the most common stereotype people have about models?
What aspect surprised you the most once you started as a model?
How easy it is for people to lie.
Not necessarily talking about verbally (even though that’s there too), but i mean as far as who they are. People try too hard , but i guess i shouldn’t of been surprised about something i already knew .

Looking back to when you started talent management and modelling, is there anything you would like to change about those industries?
In particular I can’t say there’s anything but the legitimacy and interaction.
But at the end of the day it’s a business. A lot of people want to do it and think they can but can’t.

Which brands, clients, photographers, models, producers, directors, etc, have you worked with?
As far as brands go I can’t mention that right now, but I have an international one I’ve been in contact with as well as one in LA. A few Local ones as well .
Models wise have been Dallas based male and female so far . Things are still being planned as we speak.
Producers have been Dallas based as well, but one producer who goes by @itsmsaw has been the dopest one so far .
I’m sure there will be more to come in the future.
Photographers have been Dallas based as well (which again things are still being planned) Dallas has so many aspects of talent. @moe_a2 is one i use a lot (he’s so dope) as well as others i plan on working with in the near future @Shotsbycam_ being one .

What do you consider your biggest professional success so far?
Being published.
Who do you want to work with that you haven’t yet?
- Phoenix Valentine @phoenixvalentine_
- Alluring Temptaions @alluringtemptationsagency
- CEO of ^ @daveshatamia
- @iampapiii_ (coming in the near future)
And others as well .

What has been your biggest challenge?
Being selfish with myself. I’ve never been the type of person who was selfish to others, even with me. I put others before me regardless of the circumstance or how I was doing.
But my biggest challenge ended up turning into a must need. Not only to elevate myself but to have a more sane mental state.

Tell us two things people don’t know about you?
- I don’t like chocolate (Candy, cake and etc) it’s nasty lol.
- I was suicidal.
You are very active on social media. Do you think its important to be online and if so why?
I feel like it’s important for certain crafts. Networking is a big factor and social media is one of the easiest ways to do that. I feel like a lot of people let social media go to their head and it changes them or makes them act a certain way. It can Portray someone to really be someone they aren’t .

You are currently based in Dallas, Texas. How is that working out for you?
I’ve been in Dallas all of my life so i mean honestly it’s a beautiful city, but I feel as it’s getting time for me to leave and explore more. Dallas will always be home for me and who knows in the future I might choose to stay , but as of now i don’t see myself staying.

What are your must visit travel destinations?
- Denver, Colorado
- Paris, France
- Toronto, Canada
- Niagara Falls
There’s are others as well that I have slipped my mind lol, but definitely these three.

Name 5 things we should take seriously about our style choices?
This isn’t 5 but what i have for you are these:
- How it represents you
- Is it you
- How it makes you feel

How would you describe your style?
Versatile and free.

Name your 5 must have accessories/essentials?
- Candles
- Cologne
- Chapstick
- Chains (granny gave me)
- Money

What are your favourite fashion trends?
I’ve Never had a “favorite fashion trend” I’ve always done me .
What is your favourite dish?
I’ve always been a pasta person. That or Seafood.

What songs are currently on your playlist?
Well that depends on what playlist you mean lol. But in all seriousness in trying to answer that question to the best of my knowledge, I would say I’m versatile when it comes to music. Ranges from Hip/Hop, Country, Pop, Gospel and more … My favorite genre of music is R&B/Soul.

Apart from acting, modelling, what other projects are you currently working on?
Let’s just say I’m testing myself. You’ll see soon.

Seeing you’re doing your dreams, what advice can you give others to pursue their dreams?
Forget what others say it might say about you. If you’re feeling passionately about something and feel you can do it then you do it. It might not work out right away but don’t give up. Greats and Legends don’t get made from being afraid of your own talent, capabilities and desires.

Any specific plans for the future?
Learn, wealth, progress/grow, happiness.
Any final words?
“If you believe in God then you are still learning . Don’t ever get to the point where you feel there is nothing else for you to learn. Life is about learning, especially about yourself.”

Where can we follow you online and on social media?
IG: iam.sage__
SC: alantavegas

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