BIG BROTHER STARGAME: Mampi Says Goodbye, Ghana's Keitta and Mildred & Botswana's Edith and Eve Get Nominated
It was that time of the week again that no Housemate looks forward to. Last week, three people were put up for eviction. It’s been a stressful seven days since Mampi, Lady May and Maneta were nominated. Tonight, Mampi was chosen to leave the House. The Zambian star had the least votes and is the first Upville Housemate to go. While the girls were getting ready half an hour before the show, Mampi said to Maneta, Prezzo and Barbz that she’s “very happy to be there but her heart is not.” Maneta then said that Mampi misses home. Do you think she’s happy and relieved to be going? The girls then put their bags downstairs, they could hear the crowd cheering next door, which made them, including us, nervous.
Eviction Time
The show kicked off with a performance by Tanzanian hip-hop artist, Diamond. An over-eager fan jumped on stage and started dancing with the singer, but was then escorted off by security. 10 seconds later, another fan jumped up on stage, and he too was escorted. Namibian DJ, Umculo, was next to perform and presented a mix to the audience.
Mampi On Stage
Big Brother presenter, IK, then switched to Upville where they could see and hear him on the screen. DKB was asked to stand up and tell Africa who he nominated, to which he said Lady May. Lady May jumped up from the couch and said “I knew it!” She stood very confident while waving her flag. Mampi was a lot less confident and looked very nervous as she waved to the cameras. Lady May was told that she’s safe, which left Maneta and Mampi standing side by side.
Random Nomination
IK told Maneta that she was safe, and at that moment, Mampi knew she was the one leaving. She gave the rest of the Housemates a hug and made her way out. Mampi then came onto the stage where she was interviewed by IK. The ex-Housemate said that she thinks Zainab has the potential to win because she’s “crazy.”
Second Random Nomination
IK then turned to the random Nomination machine to see which Downville Housemates get nominated. Ghana’s Keitta and Mildred were selected first. A second random Nomination was conducted, to which Botswana’s Edith and Eve were selected.
Five minutes after the Eviction show, Esperanca was in bed crying. Not quite sure why she was crying at first, the Housemates soon learned that she’s upset about Edith and Eve‘s Nomination. Esperanca is quite close to the sisters, as she always confides in them. Eve, Edith, Mildred, Jesica and Junia tried to comfort her and told her to be strong.
The four who were nominated weren’t even crying and tried to think and talk positively. Edith said that she’s 50% happy and 50% sad to be Nominated. Esperanca dried her tears and started talking about missing her home and her son. Two weeks ago the Angolan broke down and asked Big Brother to send her home. Deciding to stay in the end, the Housemate has been miserable ever since. Perhaps the possibility of Edith and Eve going home is making her upset because she’ll be even more lonely?
Meanwhile, some of the other Housemates are beginning to get very cranky due to the alcohol and cigarette situation. Keagan, Lee and Edith even started swearing at Big Brother, demanding he give them what they want. With that aside, Edith, Keitta, Talia, Seydou and Kyle got into the jacuzzi and carried on as normal.
– By Charlotte Tshabaesele (MNet)

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