Watch Kanye West on Keeping Up With the Kardashians this Sunday on E!
Take a peek past the glamour and into the private lives of America’s most famous celebrity family as E! takes you into the hectic world of Kim Kardashian and her siblings. Since her whirlwind relationship with Kris Humphries, brief marriage and subsequent divorce Kim’s personal life has been in the media a lot lately.
With their mother married to Olympic champion Bruce Jenner and two stepsisters thrown into the mix, can the two clans come together to form a united front or will their need to be in the spotlight result in them ruining their relationships with each other?
So far this season we’ve seen Kourtney’s baby announcement; scenes from a dramatic family vacation; the scoop on Kris Jenner’s old affair; Lamar Odom’s hardship with the Dallas Mavericks and yet to come is the much-anticipated announcement of the Kimye romance and Kim’s flour-bomb incident.
In this episode: Khloe must decide if she is going to New York for Scott’s restaurant opening. Some drama unfolds around Kim’s relationship with an old friend, aka Kanye West.
Be sure to catch this episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians to see how it all goes down with Kim’s big announcement on Sunday, 14 October at 8pm WAT on E!

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