Gaim TV Sponsored Friendly Football Match Holds on Thursday 24 January
So, on the 24th of this month (January, of course), The Grind and Kreme Ent will be having a Friendly football Match which will be held at the Sports centre and is Sponsored By GaimTV.
Admission is FREEE!
I’m Sure You’re Wondering what “GaimTV” is About…
Gaim TV is an Internet Based TV station that deals with Entertainment , Lifestyle and Streets (As the Logo Implies) ‘streets’ here being a deeper version of the word Urban. GAIM TV is a trademark of the Gaim 180 degrees Company owned by Postar Gaimboy ( Real names, Ufondu Tochukwu ). Launching soon on www.gaim.tv it is positioned to be hugely successful with different array of contents , 50barsBA battle rap , fashion, behind the scenes of music videos, Events , interviews , shows where songs or videos of showbiz personalities are being analyzed constructively and given verdicts ( sounds interesting ) and lots more. Coming very soon and we will keep you posted. Watch this space.

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