AUDIO+VIDEO: Reason, Riky Rick and Mariechan – No Ordinary Being
This is not an ordinary life that I am living” these are visionary words one is likely to hear echo in all corners of Motif. So it’s no surprise that when Reason, Riky Rick and Mariechan came together a powerful street anthem was ingeniously woven into existence.
NO ORDINARY BEING, speaks of sacrifices made and perseverance the artists built up during a phase in their careers when hardly any one seemed to take notice of them. Eventually, they developed the strength of mind to realize that unlike many, their path was great and required unwavering determination.
While rooted with the theme of not being ordinary, The street anthem also comfortably sets itself as of cultural importance. The release furthermore coincides with the commemoration of South Africa’s 20 Years of Democracy, it is with this milestone that the 3 artists contextualize the creation of this song as a gift to the young creative generation seeking inspiration and signals in the right direction.
Written by Sizwe Moeketsi, Rikhado Makhado, Mariechan Luiters
Composed by TheAvengersSA
Published by Motif Records (SAMRO)

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