AUDIO: Black Gs – Celebrate
Black G$ is a young multi-talented rapper, he’s also a very talented as a dancer and does graphic/product designer as part-time. Currently based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and he is the C.E.O/ founder of BLACK DIAMONDZ MUSIC GROUP.
He has a big heart and passion for music and very much a hardworking individual that wants to make the world smile and dance with his music.
Black G$ has gotten several reconigtions and awards including “GAMA AWARDS 2012”- BEST R&B OF THE YEAR, “AEA AWARDS 2012 ” – BEST POP/R&B ACT OF THE YEAR, CLUB RECOGNITION Awards AT VOGUE CLUB in Malaysia and was also was nominated for “BEST POP ACT” at “BITE MY MUSIC GLOBAL AWARDS 2012” in Malaysia.
Celebrate was produced and mastered by V.I.C

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