It’s “Music vs Sport” all this August on TRACE Sport Stars
This month on TRACE Sport Stars (DStv channel 188) is dedicaded to “Music vs Sport”. On this occasion the channel has prepared programming which mixes the most famous athletes of the world and the biggest stars of urban music.
Every Friday, “Music vs Stars” will show what happens when the biggest athletes and the biggest urban singers cross path. When two monsters of their categories meet each other, it gives us really interesting situations
On August 6th, “Sex and Redemption” will speak about the multiple scandals inside the show buisiness. When sex, sport and trahison are mixed, it’s not going to be good !
On August 13th, the night will be devoted to all left-handed athletes during the tv show “Left-handed special time” . Focus on the most famous left-handed persons who have marked sport’s history.
On August 19th, “African Saga” will dive in the lives of African soccer players who are in the Premier League.
On August 28th, “Daredevil Special”, a tv show dedicated to extreme sports. For the thrill-seekers, surprising pictures and rush of adrenaline guaranteed! It’s simple, we will do more than super heros !

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