Big Brother Hotshots Day 7: Live Blog
NOTE: All times are in CAT
23:12 – Total nominations:
Frankie: 8
Tayo: 7
JJ: 7
Permithias: 6
Esther: 5
Sabina: 4
Laveda: 3
Lilian: 3
Alusa: 2
Arthur: 2
Samantha: 1
23:10 Last nominations: Sipe – Tayo and Permithias, Tayo – JJ and Permithias, Trezagah – Samantha and Esther.
22:58 More nominations: Sabina – Lilian and Tayo, Samantha – Frankie and Arthur, Sheillah – Frankie and Permithias.
22:47 M’am Bea nominates Esther and Sabina – Nhlanhla nominates Tayo and Sabina – Permithias nominates Tayo and Frankie.
22:34 Luis nominates Alusa and JJ – Mr. 265 nominates Permithias and Arthur – Macky2 nominates Laveda and Frankie.
22:25 Kacey Moore nominates Frankie and Sabina – Laveda nominates JJ and Frankie – Lilian nominates JJ and Alusa.
22:13 Idris nominates Frankie and Permithias while JJ nominates Lilian and Laveda.
22:01 Ellah nominates Tayo and Laveda. Esther goes for JJ and Permithias. Frankie nominates Tayo and JJ. Goitse nominates Esther and Lilian.
21:40 Arthur nominates JJ and Sabina. Butterphly nominates Frankie and Esther.
21:15 Nominations start: Alusa nominates Esther and Tayo
20:50 Team B – ‘Waka Waka’ is announced the winner of the musical extravaganza. This means that Sheillah, Nhlanhla, Luis, Macky2, Trezagah, Mr. 265, Sipe, Idris, Resa, Ellah, Mira, Butterphly and M’am Bea are immune from nomination this week unless any of them are nominated by the HoH, Laveda.
20:44 Mira is evicted, She is the second housemate to be sent home tonight!
20:35 Olamide and Phyno performing on stage
20:20 The first person to be evicted form the Big Brother Hotshots is Resa.
20:00 It’s showtime!
19:50 Tune in for the eviction show in about 10 minutes! Who do you think will go?
18:24 Housemates are tyding up and packing.
17:50 Biggie tells housemates that winners of the extravaganza will be announced at the eviction show and what that means for both teams.
17:43 Biggie tells housemates to go into the lounge area. Conversation and laughter continues between the housemates.
17:28 Goitse massages Ellah on the couch and warns her not to fall asleep. It seems tensions are building up.
17:14 Kacey Moore sings and plays the guitar. Trying to accumulate last minute votes perhaps?
16:57 Sheillah takes the positive stance. While she may have liked Nhlanhla and wont judge him for kissing Mira but she cant quite trust him after that. His a lucky lad that Nhlanhla.
16:50 Lilian warns Sheillah not be so quick to call people good nor call them your friend. She makes reference to Mira kissing Nhlanhla and turning around and calling herself a friend.
16:40 Another spurt for Tayo. Earlier it was Laveda and now Sheillah scolds him for talking down at her. The topic around the table is Mira kissing Luis and then Nhlanhla.
16:35 Only hours away from the live show. Don’t miss out on exclusive perfomances by rappers Olamide and Phyno.
16:15 Alusa discusses Nhlanhla about his kissing Mira (whilst Sheillah was watching) with Sheillah, Esther and Lillian. It’s an interrogation.
16:07 Mr.265 talks John Travolta.
15:42 Nhlanhla and Sheillah cozy up.
15:30 Esther raps whilst Sabina lounges in the jacuzzi
13:28 Tayo is mad at Laveda.
13:13 The housemates choose items off the touch screen.
12:30 The artists to perform tonight are Olamide and Phyno, send your questions to twitter using the #AskArtist
11:52 Permithias sings his song about the housemates. They love it. He discusses how he freestyles his songs and how he remembers his lyrics through “hooks” and “links”
11:39 Permithias plays his guitar and sings “Had I known I’d be so strong” introspective song for an introspective day.
11:12 Considering somebody is leaving the house tonight, the housemates are very relaxed and seem to be enjoying each other’s company. Who will you be voting for?
10:55 Idris, Luis and Arthur preen in front of the mirror (well, Idris does, and the rest watch). Yes, Idris, the cameras are watching.
10:45 Alusa, “King” Mr.265, Idris and the guys chat about the enjoyment of singing and the girls. “Who’s Mira?” one of them quips.
10:30 JJ and Kaycey serenade Mira.
10:15 Alusa, Frankie and some of the guys talk African languages, dialects and accents. Arthur tells them the name for love in Pemba and they find it amusing how most African languages are missing the letter ‘R’ in their alphabet.
10:00 Resa stepped in shards of broken glass last night and as result seems incapacitated. Her bestie Sipe carries her up the stairs and provides a helping hand.
09:40 Idris has become somewhat the clown of the house and wherever he is, the fun is, and hey, it certainly doesnt hurt that he is a good looking bloke.
09:32 Housemates enter into their grooming routines as Laveda treates herslef to a face mask and Butterphly updates her short hair do.
09:18 Master of the theatre JJ waists no time and hurl Goitse into his favourite topic: ‘industry’ talk
09:05 Tayo and Esther launch into their list of ‘shout-out’s’ for the morning. They ask viewers, friends and family to pray for their succes in tonights eviction show.
09: 03 Some housemates struggle to peal themselves out of bed while the rest rise, shine and get to cleaning to the sound of some proudly African soothing tunes.
09:00 Welcome to Day 7 of Big Brother Hotshots. Whew! what a week.
08:45 Mr. 265 enters into a solitary grueling work out ahead of the day.

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