Big Brother Hotshots Day 15: Nhlanhla wins Head of House for week 3
Congratulations to Nhlanhla for winning Head of House for this week! This only means good things for the South African gentleman who automatically became immune from nominations.
Biggie gave the housemates a task to figure out how many Jelly beans were in the jar that he had placed outside, in the garden. The jar had 5954 Jelly beans and the five housemates that guessed closest to this number were Nhlanhla, Sheillah, Tayo, Ellah and M’am Bea. The five housemates automatically qualified to participate in the Head of House game.
Biggie arranged the “Bobbing for Head of House Task” in the garden in which housemates would challenge each other. The hands of housemates were tied behind their backs and each had to stand behind a bowl. Each bowl contained both black and white balls and as well as coloured balls. At the sound of the buzzer, the housemates had to use their mouths to retrieve only the coloured balls from the bowl. Housemates had to run across the garden to the opposite end of the garden where they would drop the ball into a plastic tube.
The first housemate to fill their tube with only the coloured balls from their bowl would win the next Head of House. Nhlanhla won this task and will reign througout this week. Are you happy for him?

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