Big Brother Hotshots Day 43: Live Blog
20:30 And what do you know? The ex-housemates are in the house!
20:20 Sheillah promises hard labour for the ex-housemates that will be joining them!
20:00 The ladies are now looking forward to the hot guys that will be joining them in the house. Sheillah has been telling the ladies about Luclay, the South Africa ex-housemate, and Sipe is alredy excited to see him!
19:40 Macky2 receives his star gift for the second time! This time around it was for being the funniest housemate! Congratulations Macky2!
19:30: The three ladies have been bonding for a while.
19:20 Butterphly, Ellah and M’am Bea assess the nature of some friendships in the house. Butterphly recalls how Kacey Moore was close with her before he moved onto Ellah and Ellah recalls how Idris was close with her before he went onto Goitse.
19:00 JJ says that he is certain that they will meet with Samantha outside of the house and that he will say everything that he wants to say to her.
18:30 Idris tells Biggie that he was compltely broken to see Samantha leave but that he had quickly pulled himself together so to be ready for the “new” housemates that would join them soon.
18:15 Butterphly says that she is not intimidated by the ex-housemates joining them but is rather excited to see new faces! That’s the spirit!
18:00 Goitse is thankful and grateful to everyone that votyed for her and wanted to see her this week.
17:45 Ella says that Figgie brought them back to the right path as hotshots as they were losing the plot.
17:30 Trezagah tells Biggie that there is war in the house as new soldiers are in town! He said this in reference to the ex-housemates joining them soon.
17:15 Sipe says that she didn’t have difficulty in nominating Samantha, but that she is sad that she has left as she thought she wouldn’t be.
17:04 The housemates have fun learning a new skill.
16:39 A circus performer (Stefan) teaches the housemates how to juggle. They are entranced by his skill.
16:25 Sheillah is asked to brief the housemates with regards this weeks task.
16:04 Macky2 is called to the diary room. He talks about Figgie, he was happy with her criticism during their extravaganza rehearsals.
15:49 Tayo in the diary room. He feels that he will have people in the house that he can get along with better. He feels that people are showing their true colours.
15:44 Sign up to VIP to see exclusive behind the scenes interviews with this weeks performing artists, Kay Figo and Jordan Katembula. There are also inbterviews with all of the evicted housemates including this weeks two, Samantha and Mr.265. Find out what they had to say about their experience in the house.
15:40 Idris joins Goitse in the kitchen to help her cook lunch.
15:12 M’am Bea discusses artistry with JJ and Ellah, respecting eaxch others art. She discusses working with the ex-housemates.
14:51 The housemates play a word association game by category. “Nike.” “I said Nike.” “I said it better.”
14:20 Sipe is looking very satisfied snuggling up to Macky2.
14:03 Sheillah talks to all of the housemates re their chores.
13:56 “Botsi Botsi, are you ready?” Tayo gives words to Sheillah. “Purity”
13:48 The housemates all lounge around. The weather is certainly having an effect on the house.
13:20 The housemates agree on waging 100%.
13:15 Sheillah reads out the task for this week. Circus, Magic and Wonder. She goes through the wager task.
13:02 Sheillah balances her way to win Head of House! The hail comes down.
13:00 The HoH task is moved indoors to the living room. Sheillah, Butterphly and Trezagah all wait to start
12:57 The rain comes crashing down, so the housemates remain inside.
12:43 The housemates are told to go outside and give support to the three qualifiers. Sheillah re-reads the task after taking it from Sipe.
12:39 Ellah snuggles up to JJ, the rain is hammering down outside.
11:58 The houesmates discuss the Head of House qualifier as they wait inside. Qualifying for this weeks HoH is, in the housemates minds, is very important as they know that the ex-hhousemates are coming into the house,
11:43 Goitse, M’am Bea have a chat while eating. JJ is fast asleep.
10:49 Idris and Macky2 talk about their work.
10:25 Tayo tells Ellah that “This show has nothing to do with look” he says that he knows who he is, he has been very successful because of his look. “Do you get my point?” Ellah then has her say.
10:12 Ellah and JJ mock Idris’ cooking skills. JJ tells Idris he is able to spot a girl he wants but cant spot a the one he needs. Idris agrees. But what does this say about new fling Ellah seated right next to him.
09:56 The boys move to the ktichen for a collective effort at making eggs for breakfast.
09:42 Ellah runs her hands through luscious locks as she gets ready for the day ahead.
09:18 Nhlanhla, JJ and Idris discuss how they have always been prepared for Big Brother and being a housemate. For them, it was written in the stars.
09:00 Sheillah encourages M’am Bea not to be intimadated by the incoming ex-housemates.
08:45 RJ Benjamin is back in the house for some more vocal training and tips.

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