Big Brother Hotshots Day 50: Live Blog
NOTE: All times CAT
20:53 Idris also has an announcement to make; the resident long-term couple Nhlanhla andn Sheillah have decided to split ways. He them traipses off to smooch with Ellah in the corner.
20:40 Biggie anounced the list of nominations and Macky2 adds Ellah in his place.
20:25 Housemate wait for nominations to begin.
20:10 It seemed Nhlanhla and Sheillah never tire of talking about strategy and making an observation out of every little thing.
19:50 Goitse takes Tayo and JJ through a demonstration of sorts.
19:25 Ellah’s hang over is carried over into the evening after last nights drinking.
19:05 Sipe has been awarded the Star Gift and as she walks out of the diary room with her gift Nhlanhla and Nhlanhla cant hide their jealousy.
19:00 M’am Bea teaches Idris some Xhosa and Zulu song lyrics.
18:37 Sipe chats about the topsy turvey week of last week with the exes. She can now see why the exes were mean in the house. “Always expect the unexpected” Bigge tells Sipe. She feels that she hasn’t changed much.
18:14 Macky2 is in the diary room and he is happy to be Head of House. He feels closest to Feza of the exes.
18:11 M’am Bea and Idris talk about her dad.
17:53 Goitse feels that the wager task of last week was a hi-light. She learned a lot from Leonel with capoeira. She feels that learning that the “whole thing was a prank” was a low-light. “You fell for it hook, line and sinker.”
17:38 JJ tells Biggie his hi-lights and he feels that the exes are all amazing and gives a shoutout to all of them. He says that he suspected something was up during the fake eviction show last night.
17:34 Tayo discusses his experience with Uti in the house, and he says that he is pleased that he maintained his friendship with Uti.
16:54 Sheillah admits to Biggie that she cares about Nhlanhla, but that she came with other goals, including the money, in mind.
16:39 In the diary room, Trezagah speaks about the week with the exes. He was surprised at how drunk Leonel got and does not know whether it was real or just an act. He apologises to the exes, saying he was unaware that they were acting.
16:30 M’am Bea chats to Biggie about the exes the freeze task and the new HoH.
16:15 Tayo and Trezagah discuss what will happen during the last few weeks in the house.
16:00 Idris tells Biggie he realises the presence the exes had now that they’re gone.
15:45 Nhlanhla and Butterphly enter the diary room and chat to Biggie about the prank.
15:30 The diary sessions start and Big Brother wants to know about the housemates’ thoughts regarding the eventful week with the exes.
15:15 Ellah receives a head massage from Idris.
15:00 Idris is on tea-making duty for Nhlanhla and is upset when everyone else asks him to make them tea as well.
14:33 The housemates are wagering 100% again. Biggie accepts the wager.
14:28 Macky2 is called into the diary room and given this weeks wager task. He gets JJ to read it out. Food is the theme for the week.
14:18 Tayo is adamant that he does not want to bring in his new baby.
14:04 “Houemates Freeze” M’am Bea’s father comes in. “Win the money, and when you win, I want a C-Class.” “You are doing well, I love you, I love you, I love you.” He walks slowly through the house, and tells the housemates to “work hard, have a good day, enjoy your journey.” “Housemates unfreeze” M’am Bea breaks down and sobs theatrically.
14:00 Nhlanhla’s little brother leaves and Biggie tells them to unfreeze, Nhlanhla is overcome with emotion, he covers his face.
13:56 “Housemates Freeze” Nhlanhla’s little brother walks in and speaks to Nhlanhla. They have to stay frozen.
13:35 The housemates discuss Biggies latest bombshell.
13:22 Macky2 wins Heah of House, Sipe runs over to him to hug him and Sheillah does the ceremonial handover.
13:10 Biggie calls the housemates out to the garden for the Tayo, JJ and Macky2 to compete for Head of House. Payporte Monopoly.
12:52 The housemates discuss moving during the freeze task and speak to Goitse and Butterphly.
12:45 Biggie adresses the housemates and tells them that last weeks extravaganza result has been disregarded and they will all be receiving messages from home.
12:39 Sheillah reads out a brief from Biggie, and it is a biggie. The punishment for moving during the freeze task has been increased dramatically. Money will be deducted from the grand prize of USD300 000.
12:38 M’am Bea talks to Tayo about her crush, Uti.
12:23 Tayo, JJ and Macky2 are up for Head of House
12:02 The housemates have difficulty in following instructions. Trezagah watches on. The housemates finish and Biggie tallies up the scores.
11:51 Before they can get on with the qualifier. Biggie tells the housemates about Payporte, Trezagah sits out.
11:40 The Head of House qualifier is read by Sheillah.
11:28 Housemates are called to the living room for the Head of House task.
11:10 Butterphly and Idris make up.
10:55 The men carry on with the house chores.
10:40 Housemates discuss shower hour and nominations.
10:17 Butterphly tries to pull the other housemates into the argument between her and Idris.
09:45 Ellah tries to patch up the relationship between Idris and Butterphly.
09:30 Idris and Butterphly fight in the shower.
09:15 Tayo gets his hair styled by M’am Bea again.
09:00 The Hotshots start cleaning the mess from last night’s celebrations.
08:45 Trezagah carries on sleeping, while the rest of the housemates get a chance to conduct one another during their vocal training.
08:30 Housemates wake up after an emotional night for a tough voice session.

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