INTERVIEW: Nigerian born Artist, Songwriter, Producer and Actor, D€9 talks Working with 50 Cent, Advice to Upcoming Acts, Darkhood Music, Making it on Billboard Chart and much more…
D€9, is a Spanish/Nigerian artist, athlete, actor, model, creative director and producer.
He made it to the American charts (Billboard) with his first studio album, “Bad Times” in 2008, back when he was known Dowty Ebi.
D€9’s popularity grows with an amazing speed, and this is due to the great music he delivers, such as “Love Me“, “Water no get Enemy” a remembrance and tribute to Fela Kuti, who has made an impact on modern music and “Ijeoma” a hit jam which has gone viral with major airplay on radio stations across Nigeria.
The super talented songwriter, producer and artiste takes the music game up a notch with this groovy tune which showcases his creativity.
For D€9, Life is Music and Music is Luxury. Check out my exclusive interview with him below:
Hey D€9! Would you like to introduce yourself to our readers?
A good music lover who came to understand that life is music, and music is luxury… powered by love.
Talk me through an average day in the life of you?
My 17 fully lived hours of a day is like a complicated puzzle from someone looking from the outside, since I handle a lot of things… but for me its so simple as: creating, learning and improving… the soul, mind and body.
What institution(s) did you attend and what did you study?
College dropout for soccer… mostly self educated, by the streets institution under the lectures of life.
Why the interest in music and how will you describe your type of music?
Life is music, life is sounds… no life without sounds. We all humans emits and listens to sounds, we all got interest on music
Luxury music.
How did you come up with the name “D€9”?
D€9 is the Beat and improved version of Dowty Ebi my past stage name. DE9 is The Love Beast: all facts, no second thoughts, straight to the point.
You also call yourself #TheLoveBeast, why?
The Love Beast might sound like the perfect advert for a gigolo… and me always being half naked on the internet might look so, but its way far from that.
In life, you might be fuelled by love or by hate, I’m fuelled by Love… nothing higher than Love, but dont you forget the Beast. D€9 #TheLoveBeast
Tell us more about your label, “Darkhood” and which artists are signed to it?
Its more than a label, its a #music multimedia company since 2004. pioneers!. No artist signed to Dark Hood right now, no intentions of signing no artist… not even myself as for now I am just managed by Dark Hood, the team handles my promotions… for now.
How’s the music industry in Europe compared to that in Nigeria?
Its more colder as Dowty Ebi, I made it to the Billboard list, early as an rapper, and later blending it with afrobeat… Worked with some major artists, such as 50 cent, Eedris, Dj Vlad, Dj Rob e Rob, J hood from D Block… been featured by hundreds of artist… search for Dowty Ebi’s “Champion of collabo” series of mixtapes… but, no place like HOME.
Do you feel the industry is doing alot to encourage upcoming acts?
Our industry is now a matured industry, just like any others (European or American)… and as a matured industry, its all business, its all numbers, and numbers doesn’t cares of encouraging upcoming acts until you look like the next 7 figure deal… that’s the fact.
Lil advice to the upcoming acts: as soon as you keep working hard, your time will come! and you will be the one encouraging the industry not the industry encouraging your… keep working hard!
Your previously released singles “Water” and “Ijeoma” got massive response/ positive reviews from industry watchers and fans. How did that make you feel?
It makes me feel like Usain Bolt entering the stadium and shouting: “I DEY COME OOOH”
You just released a new track “Love Me”. What will you say was the main message behind the song?
True love! no material interest… Love before biting the apple, you can see her bringing the “full” apple on the art works
Actually the song is inspired on a story or a post I saw on twitter by Linda Ikeji. It was a post about a school girl reading at night by the road so the lights of the cars passing could help her see her home works or lectures for exam, and there was a boy by the her side or close to her…
I was caught up with the story and that maybe a true love story, I just imagine what he would have sang to her to declare his love.
I read somewhere online were they said the track “Water” promo video almost got you in trouble. How and what happened?
Its a very long long story that trended in Nigeria… please, lets allow the readers google and search for it on their free time
But “water no get enemy” has been a major blessing… just spoke some minutes ago with Rikki Stein the manager of our legend Fela Kuti.
Lets see!
Do you plan to relocate fully and invest in the music business in Nigeria?
Yes early this year, but actually not investing… I’m just a musician
You are a young entrepreneurial minded guy. How do you balance your personal and professional life?
I use a magical word called priority.
How often do you go to the gym and how many hours do you spend while you there?
I train every day, not mostly in the gym… lets say 2 hours.
What’s your 5 Dos and Don’t when it comes to music?
No, no self restrictions when it comes to music… lets make the 5 Dos simple as: I will always do what is right with my creativity mind & soul.
What would you say is the main misconception the public have about musicians?
They are lazybones they might be right sometimes.
What aspect surprised you the most once you started as an artiste?
I can’t tell when I started, since I was always involved with music from childhood… so I can’t remember what surprised me. But now, I can say what surprises me the most is: people just want instant fame, most don’t care about content and longevity.
Which brands, producers, directors, clients and musicians have you worked with?
Just down too much… as Dowty Ebi, with 50cent, Eedris, Dj Vlad, Dj Rob e Rob, J hood from D Block… was featured on Billboard Magazine, been featured by hundreds of artists, please search for Dowty Ebi’s “Champion of collabo” series of mixtapes, Billboard list, worldstarhiphop, myspace top artist, so on and so on.
But that is the past, the moment is now.
What has been one of the most memorable jobs to work on?
Mostly my single that made it to the Billboard “Bad Times” and all my new tracks “Ijeoma”, “Water no get enemy”, “Love Me” and specially “Barnadise”.
Who do you want to work with that you haven’t yet?
Everybody that our creativity mind and soul connects… lets create magic baby!!!
Tell us two things people don’t know about you?
I do all my art work except 1 and will be directing or co-directing all my videos.
I am a mad fan of everything well done.
Lets keep it 2 for now.
What do you consider your biggest professional success so far?
Even after been featured on the Billboard list, I would say my biggest professional success so far, is being interviewed by you right now… meaning something is well done.
What has been your biggest challenge?
You are very active on social media. Do you think its important to be online and if so why?
Its very important, social media is a blessing if you use it the right way.
You are originally from Nigeria, but now mostly live between Madrid and Barcelona, Spain. Will you say that as given you a brand-new perspective towards life?
Of course, that gave me the opportunity to more information than any human being who is borm, raised, live and go in the same place.
Just only more information, but information is power.
What are your must visit travel destinations?
For now, Barcelona and Lagos.
Name 5 things we should take seriously about our style choices?
I’m a free soul… so just be free.
How would you describe your style?
Free and styled.
What music genre appeals to you the most?
Every music well done.
Name your five must have accessories/essentials?
I mix up everything.
What are your favorite fashion trends?
Everything well fashioned
What is your favorite dish?
Any style and type of rice
What songs are currently on your playlist?
1. Ijeoma
2. Water no get enemy
3. Love Me
4. Barnadise
I listen to every song that comes up to my sight or eardrums… but the last track i listened to more than twice is from an artist i dont know personally named Blixxy with a track is called “Mumu” I saw on Notjustok, “Daddy yo” by Wizkid I saw on Talkmediaafrica and a track from Sam Smith “Lay Me Down”.
Apart from music, what other projects are you currently working on?
Just only music, and everything related to my music.
Seeing you’re doing your dreams, what advice can you give others to pursue their dreams?
Work harder than hard, but don’t always forget your health and be patient.
Any specific plans for the future?
Any final words?
Love is the key. Many thanks TalkMediaAfrica!!!
Where can we follow you online and on social media?
Instagram: @de9thelovebeast
Twitter: @de9iam

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