INTERVIEW: Radio Personality, Entrepreneur & Influencer, Daluxolo Jalmeni Talks Chase with Dali, Mentorship, Dj Sbu, Massiv Metro, Style Choices, and More…
Meet Daluxolo Jalmeni, a South African radio presenter on Massiv Metro and founder of Jalmeni Digital. Dali came into the media space when Dj Sbu found him on social media and gave him the opportunity to be on his station.
Daluxolo continues to be an influencer by sharing his experiences through being a motivational speaker and an ambassador for helping graduates find employment through his #Woke show.
Check out my interview with him below:

Hey Daluxolo! Would you like to introduce yourself to our readers?
Hi my name is Dali, I am a radio personality, inspirational speaker, entrepreneur and influencer .
Talk me through an average day in the life of you?
I wake up in the morning and meditate, prepare for the radio show between 9-11am on Massiv Metro. It’s either I have a speaking gig or between radio and TV interviews and working on my business.

What institution(s) did you attend and what did you study?
I went to Damelin College Studying Marketing and Business, but I dropped out.

You came into the media space when Dj Sbu found you on social media and gave him the opportunity to be on his station. How did that make you feel and what as the experience been so far?
The experience has been absolutely amazing. It has been a journey that has literally changed my life, I am blessed to have Dj Sbu as my mentor. I have grown in respect of public speaking, radio and just…..personal growth. The experience has been unreal, beautiful and life changing.

Tell us more about “Jalmeni Digital”?
It’s a small company that deals with SMME’s, focuses on helping them navigate the 4th industrial revolution in respect to their businesses. We focus on developing content for social media, websites, mobile apps etc.

What inspired you to go into public/motivational speaking?
I believe that everyone has a story, and everyone’s story is important because your story can change someone’s life. I got into motivational speaking because I wanted to inspire my peers. My life is dedicated to being a voice of hope for my black brothers and sisters.

Will you say the industry in the South Africa is doing well?
South Africa is catching up when it comes to this space, it would be hard to measure as the world has become very small through social media, internet etc.

Looking at your photos from 2015 till now, I can tell you love to dress well and look classy. What will you say motivated/inspired you to and stay dedicated in it?
My mother always taught us to be clean and to be smart in the way you dress. Dressing well and looking classy is a form of good manners. And I just love clothing and looking good.

The Youth Edutainment show “Woke” that you co-host with Sonia as been able to assist 23 graduates to find jobs. How does mentorship of young people make you feel?
I am very passionate about education, I am passionate about assisting young people in respect to unemployment in South Africa. I want to be the difference and be a solution to some of the issues that we face as young people in South Africa.

What will you say are your 5 Dos and Don’t when it comes to working in the media industry?
The 5 Do’s are:
- Be authentic
- Be confident in your talent
- Be consistent
- Stay Relevant
- Invest in your craft.
The 5 Don’ts are:
- Don’t let people’s negative opinions distract you in reaching your dreams
- Don’t think you always know everything, the media space is all about constant learning. And absorbing information.
- Don’t settle for less, always know what you want and work hard for it.
- Don’t wait for people to help you out, create your own opportunities and be flexible
- Don’t be blinded by the glitz and glam the media industry is a lot of hard work.

How do you balance your professional and personal life?
It’s very tricky but I’m learning to balance it out on a daily basis. Work takes up 80% of my life.
Your radio career had a humble beginnings on LINK FM and saw you hosting shows like “The Word Out Jam Show” and the station’s “Top 40 Countdown” before leaving and sharing your greatness with a wider audience on Massiv Metro. How as that been going so far?
It’s been absolutely amazing and I have grown so much as far as radio is concerned. I’ve gotten to interview some of the media industry heavyweights, I have gotten to help people through the radio show. And I have grown to be a better person.

What do you consider the most common public stereotype about radio personalities?
People always assume that we always live the glamourous life.

What aspect surprised you the most once you started as an entrepreneur?
The fact that it’s really hard and it’s not what people make it out to be. It’s not glamourous, it takes a lot of sacrifice and it’s actually very challenging.

Which brands, clients, etc, have you worked with?
I’ve worked with Total Sports, W&R SETA, UJ, Boston Media House, MSC College.
What do you consider your biggest professional success so far?
Working with Dj Sbu and being mentored by him, speaking alongside Minister Jeff Radebe, been able to help people with unemployment and I’ve partnered with Total Sport.

Who do you want to work with that you haven’t yet?
I’d love to work with Gary V, Vusi Thembekwayo and Eric Thomas
What has been your biggest challenge?
My biggest challenge has been balancing out my work and personal life and finding my feet in joburg.

Tell us two things people don’t know about you?
I am pre-champ level 4 ballroom dancer and I’m a pastor’s kid.
As someone who is also an influencer, do you think its important to be active on social media and if so why?
Yeah I think it’s very crucial to be active on social media as we are in the 4th industrial revolution, everything exists on the internet. My opportunity came from Instagram when DJ Sbu DM’d me.

You are currently residing in Johannesburg, South Africa. How is that working out for you?
It has been very interesting, I love the energy and drive here.
What are your must visit travel destinations?
New York.

Name 5 things we should take seriously about our style choices?
- The Sophistication
- Simple but elegant
- Clothing Language
- The element of confidence in clothing choice.
How would you describe your style?
Sophisticated Swagg.

What style genre appeals to you the most?
Name your five must have accessories/essentials?
- Watch
- Fitted Blazers
- Black elegant shoes
- Designer ties
- Cellphone.

What are your favourite fashion trends?
High rise suit fitted pants and skinny happy socks.
What is your favourite dish?
Lamb Curry.

What songs are currently on your playlist?
- Prince Kaybee – fetch your life
- Martin Garrix – dreamer
- KO – Super duper
- Meek Mill – Respect the game
Seeing you’re doing your dreams, what advice can you give others to pursue their dreams?
Know who you are, know what you want, work hard remain consistant and committed until it becomes a reality

Any specific plans for the future?
The Chase with Dali one man show, release that book and becoming a club DJ.
Any final words?
The art of getting ahead is getting started, start now, you have what it takes to fulfill your dreams.

Where can we follow you online and on social media?
Across all social media platforms it’s @daluxolojalmeni

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