INTERVIEW: Realtor, Brand Influencer & Fitness Coach, Jare’d Goodloe Talks Real Estate Value, Body by Goodloe, Referrals, New York City, Branding, and More…

Meet Jare’d Goodloe. He is the creator of “Body by Goodloe”, a New York City based realtor, and a brand influencer. He is a transplant to New York by ways of Indianapolis, IN.
Jare’d prides himself on being results driven, customer centric, and multifaceted. When he isn’t working, he enjoys traveling, reading, long bike rides and a good workout.
Check out my exclusive interview with him below:
Hey Jared! Would you like to introduce yourself to our readers?
I’m Jare’d Goodloe, the creator of Body by Goodloe, a New York City based realtor, and a brand influencer.

Talk me through an average day in the life of you?
I normally start my day between 5-7 a.m., even if I don’t have clients or things to do. During the week, I’m in the gym for an hour tops, anything over an hour is a time-waster for me. After the gym, I have coffee and catch up on any emails before 8. At 8, my Sleep App goes off and then my phone is going off. I recently started using the sleep app to help me get a balanced work life. I had no boundaries and would take business calls even at 11 or 12 at night. My sleep app allows me to have 9 hours of uninterrupted time for myself. I normally try to get to the office or my clients after I had coffee. My days vary depending on what I have going on, so it’s hard to really talk about my workday. One thing I can say is, I have a “working todo list”. This list helps me personally and professionally. I normally end working by 7 or 8. The term “working” varies also based on what I’m working on. I try to get in the bed by 11 and do it all over again the next day.

When did you decide you wanted to become a real estate agent?
I decided to become a real estate agent when I turned 30. After being in luxury sales for several years at several different levels, I felt it was time for a change.

What is your “Halstead Real Estate” all about and what are you guys into?
Halstead is one of the top 10 firms in New York. My firm handles all forms of real estate from commercial to residential.
How many homes did you buy/sell this year so far and what’s the price range of most of the homes you have sold??
I have sold close to 5.

Which neighborhoods/cities do you primarily work in?
I typically work in Manhattan and Brooklyn. I specialize in Brooklyn due to the amount of business I have there.
On average, how close to the asking price is the final sale price on homes you have sold?

How do you get to know when a property is up for sell and How do you know when a property is worth the selling price?
I have several agents I work with from several different firms. We loop each other in on anything coming to the market or new to the market. When I’m pricing a property, I use a property value tool and neighborhood comparatives. Based on the inventory on the market at that time and the assessed value, I’m able to make an informed decision on the price.

Brand fan for “Dollarshaveclub”, what as been your day-to-day experiences like?
I like working with Dollar Shave Club as a brandfan. Since I shave daily, is important for me to use a product that protects my head from razor bumps. I must say I have had great success using their products. I haven’t gotten any razor bumps from this style of razors and I still get a close shave.

Tell me more about your love what you do and how you use it to communicate through business?
I love what I do because I do what I’m passionate about. I feel people force themselves daily to go to work because it’s the norm. It is true that when you are doing your passion, it’s never really work.
What will you say motivates/inspires you to stay dedicated to what you do?
I’m extremely results driven. Results give me the drive to push harder.

What’s your 5 Dos when it comes to being a Real Estate Agent?
Do’s :
- Build a team in and out of real estate
- Trust your gut
- Have money
- Be active in your community.

What separates you from other Real Estate agents?
What separates me from other agents is me. I’m selling myself and less of a product. Real estate in New York will always sell itself, once the price is right. I try to connect with my clients on a personal level before leaving the office. This always us to have a circle of trust. Once your client trust you, they will work with you only.

What is “Body by Goodloe” all about?
Personal training: Body by Goodloe is more than just fitness training, it is mental and physical health awareness. I created Body by Goodloe because I didn’t want to work just as a trainer. I wanted to give clients individual training sessions that would not only improve their physical health but also their mental. During my sessions I aim to tape into the mind because weight lost and muscle building starts there.
What do you do to stay in shape, do you go to the gym?
I mainly do HIIT training. I work out 4-5 days a week.

Do you think we are taking our health and wellbeing seriously?
I think in this stressful world, it’s good to have a healthy outlet, highly effective people workout. I think that if more people looked at working out as a stress-relieve and less of a task, they would feel better overall.
How do you balance your personal and business life?
This is something I’m still learning how to do. It has been my biggest challenge to separate the two because I work for myself. I have started using the Sleep App, blocking out Wednesday nights for personal time and taking two Sundays a month to brunch. My friends also hold me accountable for making time for myself.
How would you describe the real estate business in the United States, when it comes to encouraging new talents?

What do you consider the most common stereotype about the being a entrepreneur?
That we are rich and do nothing all day but walk around, which is very far from the truth.
Looking back to when you started in real estate, is there anything you would like to change about those sectors?
I probably would’ve joined a team. Joining a team always you to have some form of structure and a mentor in the beginning of building your business.

Which brands, clients, teams, agents, investors, etc, have you worked with?
My client makeup ranges from investors to first time renters and buyers.
What do you consider your biggest professional success so far?
My biggest professional success thus far is building a referral based business. This is something that takes years for a lot of agents but I been able to have wins with referrals.

What has been your biggest challenge?
Work/ life balance.
Tell us two things people don’t know about you?
I’m actually an introvert and my hands sweat badly when I give speeches.

As a Brand Influencer and someone who is very active on social media. Do you think its important to be online and if so why?
I’m not sure what you are saying in this question but I’ll answer it this way.
I believe that it is important to create your own social presence on social media. Social media is the biggest outlet to brand and market yourself. It’s important to build a following that believes in your brand and vision. On social media, I’m selling a lifestyle not a product.
You are currently based in New York City. How is that working out for you?
I love New York, I would never leave!

You travel alot, so what will you say are your must visit travel destinations?
My top destinations right now are: Madrid, Barcelona, Morocco.
How would you describe your style?
My style is homeboy from Downtown. I love sneakers with everything. I like oversized shirts, tailored pants and hats.

What style genre appeals to you the most?
I like Grunge, Rock and Roll, Hypebeast and Men’s Tailoring.
Name your 5 must have accessories/essentials?
Watch (Everyman needs a watch), Yurman bracelet, nice chains (more than one at a time), a fitted hat, cool wallet (cardholder), and cool socks.

What is your favourite dish?
I love pasta. I don’t eat as much now but I love pasta.
What songs are currently on your playlist?
Right now: Chris Brown, John Legend, Kirk Franklin, and Drake.

Apart from real estate, fitness, what other projects are you currently working on?
I have a few personal projects that I can’t name. I will say I’m doing a few show appearances.
Seeing you’re doing your dreams, what advice can you give others to pursue their dreams?
I would tell anyone pursuing a dream to really decide that it’s your dream. Your dreams are a never ending relationship with trust issues and high/low moments. You have to be laser focused and deliberate about what you want. I would suggest to set extremely small goals for your overall outcome. Smaller goals takes the pressure off and allows you to appreciate the struggle and the wins.

Any specific plans for the future?
As for now, my plans for the future are very general. I just want to keep at what I’m doing and travel.
Any final words?
My final words will be an affirmation:
I pray daily! Everyday I say my prayers and declare in the Universe what I need from God. I declare that I will make purposeful and meaningful connections that will change the trajectory of my life. I also affirm myself. I make myself believe that I can do all things through him because he gives me the strength to do the impossible.
– Jared Goodloe
Where can we follow you online and on social media?
Facebook: Jared Goodloe IG: @jagoodloe

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