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Introducing: EQ Killer – The Sound Heaven


Introducing: EQ Killer – The Sound Heaven

What makes a song sound sweet to the ears and rock your heartbeat? What makes a song enter body? The Melodie, The Vocals, the Beat right? What if all these ingredients are not mixed and mastered to perfection as a perfect puzzle? Then you surely stand to see all your hard work rubbished and a song with a potential to BLOW will fail. The best song in composition becomes a total dud. 

However, worry no more EQ Killer has been mixing and mastering music since the year 2010 offering elite mixing and mastering services in the industry at affordable prices for all musicians. EQ Killer allows clarity amongst the instruments and vocals to let the song breath in order to accomplish that big, heart felt sound music fans crave.

Get in touch with EQ Killer to mix and master your song today, it’s a hit when EQ touches your sound. 


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Asuquo Eton founded, now one of the most visited TV, music, tech and features website, in 2011. He is also a social media analyst, media and entertainment consultant.

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