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#BBNaija Season 4 Day 55: In the spirit of celebrating ‘Proudly Nigerian’, the Pepper Dem Gang got up to a fun day

Reality TV

#BBNaija Season 4 Day 55: In the spirit of celebrating ‘Proudly Nigerian’, the Pepper Dem Gang got up to a fun day

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From rich Nigerian dishes to great Nigerian music and speeches, the Housemates served all shades of Nigerian flavour.

Wholly Furnished

Dressed in their Innoson t-shirts and face caps, the Housemates got kitted up to an action-packed day.

Trust some of the Pepper Dem ladies to adorn the clothing pieces with accessories and well-befitting shoes to complete the occasion.

The ‘Gbedu’ Donors

As some form of entertainment, Biggie instructed the Pepper Dem Gang to ensure that at least one Housemate must be entertaining the House with proudly Nigerian music, while the food preparation was in progress. Well, not every time Biggie’s DJ, sometimes, pick up a Pepsi bottle and sing away.

You can already tell who unleashed the musicians in them as soon as the Task commenced. Even our Pepsi Know Da Lyrics winner wasn’t left out. In fact, she led the singing Challenge at some point. To show the Housemates why she was crowned the winner of the Lyrics Challenge, perhaps?

From ‘Sweet Mother’ by Prince Miko Mbanga, to “Your Waist’ by Iyanya and ‘Aye’ by Davido, the Pepper Dem musicians sure entertained us all the way, that we didn’t even notice their croaky voices.

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Ingredients, please?

Biggie treated his guests to a wholesome Nigerian meal of ‘akara’ and ‘pap’ for breakfast. Shortly after, Big Brother asked them to reciprocate the gesture by cooking a rich Nigerian dish for him and the Ninjas. The twist was to do this using only the available ingredients in the House, with no extra ingredients to be provided.

In two hours, the Housemates came to an agreement and prepared the Nigerian delicacy – Poundo potato and Egusi soup. Thanks to Tacha, Frodd and Sir Dee, Biggie had a great breakfast.

The Innoson Adventure

Presented with the Innoson IVM Fox, the Pepper Dem Gang were Challenged to individually present a three to four minutes presentation on what makes them Proudly Nigerian.

With Cindy taking the lead and Venita wrapping it up, the Housemates each gave reasons why they’re proudly Nigerian.

For the next Challenge, the Housemates were Tasked to pick up one of the ribbons tied to the front grill of the Innoson IVM Fox. They were required to grip the ribbons firmly while standing upright throughout the Challenge.

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The Pizza Lawbreakers

As usual, no Task happens in Biggie’s House without rules being scorned. While we had the regular offenders, Biggie expressed his disappointment to the wrongdoers in today’s Task. As soon as the Ninja arrived with pizza distractions, majority of the Housemates (led by Esther), dropped the ribbons and rushed to grab a slice of pizza each.

Of course, punishment awaits the crooks but till then, enjoy the pizza Housemates.

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…And Then They Were Four

All Housemates except Khafi, Mercy, Jackye and Cindy lost grip of the ribbons. For this reason, Biggie expressed his satisfaction for their ability to follow his rules and in doing so, exhibited the true ‘Proudly Nigerian’ spirit.

As time went by, these four were given distracting elements as well as harder Challenges. From music sessions to rich Nigerian delicacies, their individual strengths were tested.

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The Innoson Champ

Hands shaking, necks bending, eyes twitching, one by one the Innoson contestants were eliminated. From Jackye to Cindy and finally Mercy, we finally arrived at a winner in the Task.

For the sole act of being the last Housemate holding on to the ribbon, Khafi won the Challenge and the Innoson IVM Fox. She left the Arena with smiles and congratulatory messages from her fellow Housemates as she earned what appeared to be her first car. Way to go girl!

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With the juicy Challenges and prizes the Pepper Dem Gang are faced with, we can’t wait to see more wins and of course, more offenders in Biggie’s House.

Asuquo Eton founded, now one of the most visited TV, music, tech and features website, in 2011. He is also a social media analyst, media and entertainment consultant.

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