NBC Says Plans for Digitization Programme on Course
National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) has restated plans to actualise the transition from analogue to digital broadcasting in Nigeria as scheduled.
NBC said that Digital implementation Committee (DigiTeam Nigeria) which will be inaugurated soon in collaboration with the NBC, will have the responsibility of effectively bringing to fruition the content of the approved white paper.
All these were contained in Engr Yomi Bolarinwa, director general, NBC’s in his message to celebrate this year’s Africa Telecommunication Day of the African Telecommunications Union (ATU).
The director general also reiterated the Commission’s preparedness to ensure that the transition programme is attained through partnership with all stakeholders.
He added that the process will be monitored by the Commission to ensure that achievements are measured and improvements promptly made where necessary.
The Africa Telecommunication Day was established by the African Union on 7th December 7, 1977 and this year’s theme is “ICT Services for the promotion of peace and security in Africa”.
NBC is using the occasion to reiterate the commission’s desire to utilise broadcasting in educating and informing the public through its licensees and the need to use the medium for the socio-economic development and improvement of the lives of Nigerians.

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