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Big Brother The Chase Day 9 (Recap): Love and fitness


Big Brother The Chase Day 9 (Recap): Love and fitness


It seems Uganda’s LK4 finally decided who the queen of his heart is – South Africa’s Koketso.

This comes after some rather tense moments in Rubies with the love triangle between LK4, Koketso and Beverly.

During his diary session with Biggie, he went as far as saying: “She might be my 300 million.” Wow! Very bold words from someone who’s just been nominated for eviction.

Not a day passes in the Big Brother house without the housemates singing a song or four. And it was this spirit that saw them through Tuesday’s fitness task.

The Rubies and Diamonds had to make sure that at any given time two housemates were sweating it out on the exercise equipment set out in the garden.

To help them through their task, the Diamonds sang their own little theme song “We are the Diamonds, mighty, mighty Diamonds” while the Rubies were singing I’ll Be Missing You by The Police.

One of Tuesday’s most exciting challenges was The Crush Wall. Housemates had to vote for two crushes from the house, and the one with the most votes would be treated to quality time with a mate of their choice.

With Hakeem and Cleo being separated so abruptly in Friday’s house switch, is it possible the two lovebirds could be reunited sooner rather than later?

While the housemates have done their voting on the Crush Wall, it’s time you vote for your favourite housemate. LK4, Pokello, Feza, Hakeem and Dillish are all nominated for this week’s eviction and only your votes can save them.

Asuquo Eton founded, now one of the most visited TV, music, tech and features website, in 2011. He is also a social media analyst, media and entertainment consultant.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. bakkman

    June 6, 2013 at 8:06 am

    vote dilish coz she s soo delisious

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