Are you a House of Cards fan? You will be able to watch Season 1 and 2 on Catch Up before it airs on M-Net
DStv is bringing Box Sets of S1 and S2 of House of Cards to DStv Catch Up, before the second season starts on M-Net.
In August of 2013, Academy Award-winner Kevin Spacey decried the end of
what is known as the “pilot season” in Hollywood in a keynote speech that went viral as soon as it hit the internet.
The “pilot season” happens between January and April every year and is when TV Studios cast, produce and test an episode of a show to determine if they will pick it up as a full series. According to Spacey, this is a process that limits creativity and doesn’t allow a sophisticated, multi-layered story, with complex characters, such as House of Cards, to unfold in the time it requires. He stated that in 2013, “146 pilots were shot and only 56 were chosen to go to air”. According to Spacey the cost of this process is $300 – $400 million a year, whereas Netflix paid $100 million for both seasons of House of Cards.
“We’ve learned the lesson that the music industry didn’t learn,” Spacey continued, “give people what they want; in the form they want it”.
Robin Wright, who stars opposite Spacey, in a role that has seen her win a Golden Globe and an Emmy Award nomination, says the show is more of a 13-part film experience than an average series experience. Spacey added that with all the episodes made available at one time he found the viewing experience similar to reading a novel, where you can easily power through several chapters at a time and put it down when you felt like it. Beau Willimon, writer and producer, agreed wholeheartedly, adding, “that’s why each episode is called a ‘Chapter'”.
Because House of Cards is created with an On Demand viewing experience in mind, DStv felt it appropriate to bring Box Sets of both seasons to DStv Catch Up, before the second season starts on M-Net!
• Season 1 – Available 30 May – 26 June
• Season 2 – Available 13 June – 26 June
Available on Catch up on the DStv Explora.
Spacey closed his speech with a quote from Orson Welles – “I hate television, I hate it as much as I hate peanuts but I just can’t stop eating peanuts!”
So get your peanuts and popcorn ready for a mammoth binge view of the incomparable House of Cards with DStv Catch Up!

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