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Big Brother Hotshots Day 23: Live Blog


Big Brother Hotshots Day 23: Live Blog

bb Hotshots

NOTE: All times CAT

21:00 HoH JJ loses his cool over a couple of bottle of missing alcohol.

20:41 King of the Stashers Nhlanhla gives Permithias the 101 on hiding food and booze.

20:27 Tayo talks relationships and birth control while a limited amount of alcoholis delivered to the house on the other side.

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20:08 Luis rehearses his rendition for Mira, “Mira on the Wall”. Mira, wherever you are, you are loved!

19:45 Housemates get cracking on their Stomp pieces while Permithias is at the centre of the jamming of another sweet ditty. Tayo commends him on his talent.

19:30 Mr.265 tries to wake up Miss Sleepy Head Butterphly.

19:08 JJ comes back to check up on Idris while Samantha and M’am Bea keep an out on him, or is it distract him?

18:45 Nhlanhla suggests that M’am Bea and Samantha get detention for helping Idris out on his punishement. Keep on keeping on Idris buddy ol’ pal!

18:30 Idris gets to his duties as JJ’s lackey and boi does he a lot of complaiing to do. Looks like the gravity of the punishment is only just sinking in.

18:17 A lot of sleeping going around while some labour away at the drums. Looks like disciplines becoming a question again.

18:00 Permithias confides in Nhlanhla about a perculiar question Biggie asked him in the diary room – could JJ have added, him he wonders.

17:44  The sounds of drumming is a constant in the house. Butterphly is asleep again.

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17:27  Arthur feels that JJ is doing a good job at being HoH. He feels that the housemates are working better together and feels that they will win the wager.

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16:57  Nhlanhla argues with Sheillah that they want to go and change the wager percentage to lower than 100%. Permithias is in the diary room and he complains about JJ.

16:38  Biggie plays an example of Stomping to the housemates.

16:30  Biggie gathers everyone in the living room.

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16:22  Frankie is in the confessional, he feels that the housemates are working together. “We are Hotshots and we want to prove that.” He is pleased for Tayo got a second Star Meter gift.

16:14  Trezagah says that food is not as big an issue in the house now, as they are all sharing better now. He feels that they are all making a lot of noise as a few of the housemates don’t know how to play their instruments. He feels that Tayo, Permithias, Kacey Moore and JJ should take the lead for the task.

16:06  Mr.265 is in the diary room, he feels that his game in the house is going well. He feels like this week is a crucial week for him as he will see where he stands with the rest of Africa. He believes that he has a seven out of ten chance in staying in the house.

16:00  Luis says that the task has been a bit of a challenge. Biggie says: “You are talking as if you have already been evicted.”

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15:41  Sipe, M’am Bea, Tayo, Sheillah chat in the kitchen while Luis helps Idris to clean the jacuzzi.

15:09  M’am Bea tells Biggie that she is frustrated with Idris because he is still confused about Goitse. Kacey Moore is finding not working with non-traditional music instruments a bit difficult.

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14:50  Macky 2 is confident that the housemates wil win the wager. He also feels that the punishment taught everybody a lesson of responsibility

14:41  Idris talks about Goitse and Sipe sings for Biggie while Sheillah wants to call this week “Beauty and the Beast nomination week” as she is the only woman nominated. Biggie suggests “The rose among the thorns.”

14:29  Ellah is in the diary room…

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14:06 Diary sessions begin.

13:51 Butterphly is sleeping again…

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13:35  Permithias, Arthur Luis and Ellah harmonize.

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13:09  M’am Bea: “Tayo, do you want my signature?” “No” “So you hate me?” “I don’t hate you, we are talking about your signature on my body.”

12:51 Samantha and Idris get on Sipe’s case. She talks about getting called “sexy” on social networks. “Yesterday I was just a simple girl.”

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12:19 A grumpy Idris is set on his first task: “I did not knock the door, the door knocked me.”

12:03  “This is Big Brother” Biggie calls the housemates to order. Idris is punished by Biggie for damaging the bedroom door over the weekend. For 48 hours he is at Biggie’s beck and call. He has to do all the chores as specified by Biggie.

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11:47  Noise noise noise… Ellah, Arthur and Kacey Moore are in the kitchen cooking.

11:17  A cacophony of rythm ensues. Arthur gets a hip hop beat going…

11:07  JJ comes out of the diary room and gathersw the housemates together. He reads out the task, they are sent outside.

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10:57  The housemates lounge around indoors on Biggies instructions. “The only thing that keeps you going is six figures.” says Idris while lounging on Samantha’s bed.

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10:45 Kacey Moore keeps busy with the guitar, while everyone waits for Big Brother to speak.

10:30 Big Brother tells housemates to gather in the bedroom, where they discuss eating and drinking.

10:06 Breakfast time in the house – definitely a favourite time of the day for the housemates.

09:45 Housemates continue getting ready for the day.

09:30 M’am Bea and Kacey Moore chat in the bedroom.

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09:15 Sheillah discusses her concern over being nominated.

09:00 Samantha and M’am Bea have a go at the weights.

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08:45 Nhlanhla shares the cookies he made last night with his fellow housemates. Tayo does a few bench presses.

08:30 Guy Fundayi is in the house giving housemates an intense workout.

Vote for this week’s nominated housemates: ArthurKacey Moore, LuisMr. 265Macky2Frankie and Sheillah.

Asuquo Eton founded, now one of the most visited TV, music, tech and features website, in 2011. He is also a social media analyst, media and entertainment consultant.

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