Big Brother Hotshots Day 34: Live Blog
NOTE: All times CAT
21:21 What did you think of Team B’s performance?
20:55 Team B takes the stage.
20:30 What did you think of Team A’s performance?
20:00 Team A is first up on stage.
19:55 Only five minutes before the show begins! Stay tuned!
19:30 Only 30 minutes left till the show begins! Are you looking forward to it?
19:00 With only an hour left to the Extravaganza show, housemates have begun dressing up and doing their make up.
18:40 Rehearsal time is over for both teams. Samantha interrogates JJ about the secret scene that only himself, Sheillah and Nhlanhla know about. JJ is not letting any word out bout it.
18:15 Team A continues their rehearsals in the lounge. The Extravaganza demands perfection and it will be interesting to watch the final execution of the theatre productions later. Don’t miss it!
18:00 Team B goes on stage for their final rehearsal.
17:45 Samantha and Idris stay cuddling and we keep a close eye on them. JJ is not impressed by their closeness and doesn’t trust Idris’ intentions.
17:30 Nhlanhla is lulled to sleep with Permithias’ and Tayo’s singing.
17:20 JJ is spending time with himself, lying on his bed and reading the Bible. We wonder what verse has captured him…
17:10 Tayo, M’am Bea and Sheillah sing along with Permitias. Tayo leads the song confidently.
17:00 Trezagah offers his wounded mate Tayo his chair at the hairdressers tomorrow.
16:40 Sheillah dishes up for the house as her good mood spills over from breakfast to an early supper.
16:45 Team is called onto the stage area for their first set rehearsals.
16:00 Team A re-commence with their rehearsals with Idris wielding his authority.
15:40 Nhlanhla and Sheillah are back in the kitchen over pots and chopping boards cooking up a storm.
15:20 Tayo’s isolated himself from the crowd for most of the day.He finds a companion in Trezagah and enters into light – and much needed – chit chat with him.
15:05 Idris apologises to Sipe for his grumpy mood but it the strippers really got to him. Is that the green-eyed monster peaking over your shoulder Idris? Hmmm…
14:48 Idris loses his mojo again and can’t get back into the zone for rehearsals. He keeps complaining about his teams commitment. They all call for a thirty-minute breather.
14:30 The boys are a little unsettled after the freeze task and snap at the girls to get on with rehearsals.
14:15 Freeze housemates! As strippers come in and try their luck on housemates.
14:00 Tayo commends Permithias on his musical talent and predicts a bright future ahead.
13:40 Team Nhlanha and Sheillah get their intimate moment in as they carry on flirting in code.
13:20 Team B gets into the zone with their rehearsals.
13:00 Team A seems to be struggling to get themselves inspired and into the zone for rehearsals.
12:45 Sheillah always puts her heart and soul into her performances.
12:30 Nhlanhla and JJ flesh out their scene for the “Comedy of Errors” while Ellah hides her hangover behind her over-sized blinkers.
12:15 Goitse and Idris go over the plot for their Shakespearan play.
12:00 With Permithias on the guitar and Tayo on the djembe the pair create a sooting ditty with the lyrics “wake me up, if you see me fall, don’t to you let me fall”… words that move Tayo, once again, to tears.
11:40 Besties Samantha and Idris bond as he lists his good character traits.
11:22 Samantha and M’am Bea join Sheillah in the kitchen for some breakfast. Sheillah is in a chirper mood and offers to make omlettes for Tayo, M’am Bea and Mr.265.
11:04 Sheillah votes Ellah as the sexiest woman in the house and Idris is swift to agree.
10:51 Elllah and Nhlanhla wish they had more time in the diary room with Biggie.
10:39 Sheillah enjoys an omlette she prepared for her and Nhlanhla and he shows his appreciation by being affectionate.
10:22 Nhlanhla tells Permithias that he is staying away from tensions in the house because the game has reached a point where people are starting to crack.
10:04 Nhlanhla breaks the dynamics of his and Sheillah’s relationship to Permithias while JJ and Mr.265 talk about the rich stories one can find in Africa.
09:45 Sheillah offers her beau Nhlanhla an omlette for breakfast and Permithias takes advantage and orders a fairly detailed meal.
09:25 Nhlanhla advises Tayo not to get carried away by emotions in the game while Samantha and Mr.265 plant seeds of doubt about Tayo and announce they no longer want Tayo’s apologies.
09:06 Tayo loses it with JJ and things get heated between the boys following last night’s altercation between Tayo and Macky2.
08:30 Fitness instrutor Reggie is back inside the house to give the housemates a body conditioning work out to flush out the toxins from all that partying last night. Trezagah seems to be having quite the time of his life there!
Vote for this week’s nominated housemates: Ellah, Frankie, Nhlanhla, Permithias, Trezagah, and Butterphly.

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