High hopes for Walking Dead | Premieres tonight on FOX
Whatever plans you have tonight, cancel them! The second part of the fifth season of The Walking Dead returns to FOX tonight at 8:20pm WAT, and you can’t miss it!
After the dramatic and emotional mid-season finale, we have so many questions about where the story will take us this time.

And while most of our questions probably won’t be answered, here are a few things we’d like to see happen in this season.
A new home for our favourite survivors
From living close to the river and then taking occupation on Hershel’s farm, our favourite group of survivors are in desperate need of a new place to call home.
They lived comfortably at the prison, until The Governor intervened, and it was always clear that the church was only a temporary shelter.
It would be great to see Rick and the rest of the gang settle down somewhere safe, a place they can call their own, even if just for a little while.

Eugene and Father Gabriel fighting back
Since the start of The Walking Dead, we’ve met characters who’ve had to step out of their comfort zones while fighting for survival.
Young Carl has grown into someone who can hold his own next to the walkers, now if onlyEugene and Father Gabriel can do the same.
They’ve told the rest of the group a few times how they don’t have what it takes to fight off the walkers, but the time has come for them to step up.
And it’s not only to protect the rest of the group, but also themselves. Father Gabriel had a lucky escape after he snuck out of the church and was attacked by the walkers.
It would be great to see him and Eugene being able to defend themselves. And we know they’ll be pretty stoked if and when this happens.
A Daryl and Carol hook-up
Carol is one of the few characters who has changed the most since the first time we met her.
In season one, she was timid, but over the years, she’s grown into a bad girl, fighting off the walkers and not afraid to do what she thinks is necessary to protect the group.

We all know she has a little bit of a crush on Daryl, and we’re sure the feeling is mutual. Almost every other character has had a relationship, and it would be great to see Daryl all loved up. We know deep down, he has real feelings.
Will any of these things happen in the second half of season five of The Walking Dead? Tune in to FOX at 8:20pm WAT every Monday to find out.
In the meantime, watch this teaser to whet your appetite for an all new The Walking Dead.

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