INTERVIEW: Real Estate Investor, Brian Iregbu Talks Making $100K a Year, Buy/Sell Strategies, Wholesaling, YouTube, and More…
Meet 33 years old Brian Iregbu, Nigerian but Born in Louisiana and raised in Texas and Baltimore. Brian attended Morgan state then moved to the south of the United States to finish college in Texas. A college graduate with Biology major and chemistry minor, he taught high school science for 4 years then moved into the oil and gas field while starting to invest in real estate with no money down techniques.
Brian currently earns 6 figures part-time investing in real estate and coaching others to do the same via consulting and YouTube.
Check out my exclusive interview with him below:
Hey Brian! Would you like to introduce yourself to our readers?
Yes sure! My name is Brian Iregbu, I’m of Nigerian decent but I was born here in the states. Grew up in a split family so I was raised in a small town called Orange, Texas as well as Baltimore Maryland. After graduating college I began teaching high school biology and integrated physics and chemistry. After four years of that I moved into the oil and gas field and investing part time into real estate.
Talk me through an average day in the life of you?
On a normal day I wake up, exercise, go to work then view potential investment deals when I get off. I then try to put a little time aside for learning before relaxing, planning the next day, & spending time with my wife.
What institution(s) did you attend and what did you study?
Went to Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland for a year then moved back south to complete a Bachelors of Science degree in Biology/Chemistry at Lamar University.
You work a 50+ hour a week full-time job but still finds enough time to make $100K a year wholesaling real estate. How do you manage your time?
Well I shift work so I get days off during the week sometimes that I allocate to viewing potential deals and meeting with sellers. I also do as much as I can after work before the sun falls. It’s tough but I just try to take advantage of my free time you know?
When did you decide expand from your oil and gas job to become a real estate investor?
When I found out that I wasn’t making the type of money to create the lifestyle I really desired. It took about 1 year in the industry until I decided I needed more income
What made you go into real estate investing?
After research if I’m not mistaken over 80% of Millionaires got there through real estate or ended up investing in real estate after they made their money in another industry. It seemed like the most sure fire way to financial freedom.
What is your company “Solvex Realty Group” all about and what are you guys into?
We help distressed sellers who need to liquidate their property quickly or figure out a creative solution to rid themselves of a property when traditional methods are not a fit.
What’s the price range of most of the homes you have sold?
How many homes did you buy/sell this year so far?
Which neighborhoods/cities do you primarily work in?
Middle class on down. Beaumont, Port Arthur, Orange, Lumberton, Nederland, Port Neches.
On average, how close to the asking price is the final sale price on homes you have sold?
We usually get asking price or a few thousand more if we have multiple offers.
How do you get to know when a property is up for sell?
Someone will refer me to a person or a seller will call me.
How do you know when a property is worth the selling price?
We pull comparable sells in the neighborhood to see what other homes have recently sold for that are similar.
You also run a YouTube channel. What’s the name of the channel and what as been your day-to-day experiences like?
Brian Iregbu is the name of the channel and I guess it’s going ok, I just started it about 12 weeks ago.
Tell me more about your love what you do and how you use it to communicate through business?
Well I really just like helping people and thinking of creative solutions. This helps build rapport and win with sellers.
What will you say motivates/inspires you to stay dedicated to what you do?
Financial freedom and meeting new people.
What’s your 5 Dos and Don’t when it comes to being a Real Estate Investor?
1. Be honest and transparent
2. Know your numbers
3. Do your paperwork correctly
4. Get title insurance when buying real estate
5. Do keep proper insurance coverage on your property.
1. Don’t over pay for a property
2. Don’t let emotion control you
3. Don’t believe everything people say without verifying
4. Don’t give a contractor all the money up front
5. Don’t just invest without a plan.
What separates you from other Real Estate Investor?
I have more creative strategies and win-win solutions than the average can think of.
What do you do to stay in shape, do you go to the gym?
Yes, I workout. My secret is intermittent fasting combined with low rep heavy weight lifting and limited cardio. I was introduced to this life changing training philosophy 2 years ago. When you put the 3 together it works like magic.
How do you balance your personal and business life?
Ehhh, that’s tough. I don’t think I got it down yet. My personal life is business it seems and I like it.
How would you describe the real estate business in the United States, when it comes to encouraging new talents?
I think that if you can be yourself and be good at what you do, you’ll always attract loyal clients that want to work with you exclusively. Everyone has their own unique personalities that match with certain people.
What do you consider the most common stereotype about the being a Real Estate Investor?
Maybe that all real estate investors want to lowball sellers and steal their houses when in fact many are there to solve problems and help people.
What aspect surprised you the most once you started investing in real estate?
That you didn’t need money or credit to get started.
Looking back to when you started as a real estate investor and vlogging, is there anything you would like to change about those sectors?
Not really, I just wish I was introduced to real estate earlier and started investing a lot earlier.
Which brands, clients, teams, brokers, investors, etc, have you worked with?
Remax, Keller Williams, and Caldwell Banker.
What do you consider your biggest professional success so far?
That’s tough. I’m hard on myself so I don’t feel like I’ve accomplished anything worth highlighting just yet.
Who do you want to work with that you haven’t yet?
I actually don’t have anyone in mind. Max Maxwell out of North Carolina would probably be high on the list though.
What has been your biggest challenge?
Finding time to get the necessary stuff done for my business while working full time.
Tell us two things people don’t know about you?
1. I love airports almost more than the destinations for some weird reason. It’s a happy place with a lot to observe.
2. I’m very interested in other people, their stories, views, and ambitions. I’m find a lot of joy in meeting strangers for some odd reason.
You are very active on social media. Do you think its important to be online and if so why?
Ehh I just like to share information that’s it. I do think its critical for businesses. The world is evolving and if you don’t adapt you get left behind. Everything and everyone is online now, so I think each individual should access where it can benefit.
You are a native of Nigeria but currently based in Texas. How is that working out for you?
It’s cool. I’ve been here almost all my life.
You travel alot, so what will you say are your must visit travel destinations?
Hawaii! My wife would say Costa Rica but Hawaii is amazing.
Name 5 things we should take seriously about our style choices?
1. Clothing fit tailored and not to big or small
2. Color schemes that compliment our complexion
3. Well groomed
4. Dressed for the occasion
5. The right jewelry or accessories that add the right touch.
How would you describe your style?
Simple and neat.
What style genre appeals to you the most?
A GQ & rugged cross.
Name your 5 must have accessories/essentials?
1. Watch
2. Cologne
3. Frames.
You know what, that’s actually it for me. I’m simple, I’m not big on much of the sparkly jewels.
What are your favourite fashion trends?
I don’t pay much attention to what’s going on with fashion. I just wing it, and if I feel fresh I wear it.
What is your favourite dish?
What songs are currently on your playlist?
A lot of Drake and Nipsey Hustle’s new album.
Apart from real estate, investing, what other projects are you currently working on?
Learning the online marketing business.
Seeing you’re doing your dreams, what advice can you give others to pursue their dreams?
Make your goal really big and exciting, then break it down into steps and just START! Figure it all out as you go.
Any specific plans for the future?
Ehh. More travel more teaching that’s it.
Any final words?
Yea, thanks for being interested enough to hear about me. I appreciate the opportunity to share.
Where can we follow you online and on social media?
Instagram: housebuyingbrian
YouTube: Brian Iregbu

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