INTERVIEW: Influencer, Fitness Model & YouTuber, Branden Mitch Talks Clothing Line, Skin Care, Instagram, Camera Setup, Healthy Living, Travel Vlog, and More…

Branden Mitch born in Bellflower, California August 2, 1988. Grew up always into the arts and but focused more on sports until he got to college; after receiving his associates degree in behavior science. He started to dedicate more time in pursuing his passions in acting and modeling.
Right out the gate he showed that he was a natural in the modeling world. Over the years Branden has been featured on some publications and is now looking forward into acting and social media influencing with an emphasis on travel, fitness and lifestyle.
His mantras are good and healthy eating, as far as staying away from processed foods; skin care with grooming tips for men; fitness and workout plans since he has been training for over 7 years. Branden also has a very strong sense of fashion that brought him to create his own clothing line which he will be launching soon.
Check out my interview with him below:

Hey Branden! Would you like to introduce yourself to our readers?
What’s good everyone?! I’m actor/model and social media influencer based in Los Angeles. Hope all is well.
Talk me through an average day in the life of you?
Usually start my day with a glass of water. Start going through emails make my spirulina shake and head to the gym. After the gym I come back home and work on my computer.

What institution(s) did you attend and what did you study?
I attended Mount San Antonio community college for psychology. I got my associates degree in behavior science after that I was suppose to transfer out but I decided to drop out and I started to pursue my other goals in entertainment. I figured I’d be better off figuring out my own problems, than sitting around in a room listening to people tell me about theirs and getting depressed. No offense to people who are a psychologist and sit around and help people. But, that wasn’t my calling and I figured that out early on.

Why did you decide to become a fitness trainer?
It was something that just happened to me at that point in time in my life. Right place right time. But now I’m focusing more acting and Instagram.
Tell me more about your YouTube channel. When did you start the channel and what’s the main focus?
I started my YouTube page about almost a year ago randomly just trying stuff out randomly. I’m focusing more now on making the channel a men’s lifestyle place. So now there are videos about traveling and men grooming tips. Like how to wash your face, and give yourself facials. There are a lot of men that neglect skin care and I feel like we shouldn’t. A lot of it comes from stereotypes that it’s a girl thing but it’s not. There nothing girly about a man taking care of himself. Your face is the first thing people see when they see you. So why not take care of it.

What will you say made you decide to become a YouTuber?
I just wanted to get information out that I felt like I had that I was sitting on. I just like to help people. I want to give out the knowledge I have. There’s no point to sit on this information that I have and not sharing it with anybody; especially if it’s to their benefit.

What camera/gears do you always use in the production of your videos?
I use a Sony a6500 and a 16mm sigma lens in majority of my videos. I also use my iPhone and a tripod if I don’t have someone to help me shoot.

What editing software do you use and How long does it take you to edit your videos?
I use Adobe Premiere to edit my videos and editing a video can take anywhere from 30 minutes to a couple of days depends on what I’m editing. Travel blogs take the longest.

Tell me more about your love for vlogging/storytelling and how you use it to communicate through being a model and fitness trainer?
For me I’m very big into visuals so I just like to show people the way I see stuff. I’m still learning how to do that. I don’t feel like I’ve reach my full potential yet the more videos I make the better I get. Being in front of the camera is just second nature from modeling so it’s easy to talk when vlogging.

What is the strangest thing you’ve ever experienced on the job?
I had the sports campaign ad shoot out in the sand dunes, it’s very close to Arizona and in the desert. We went out there pretty late in the morning and the photographer told the artist director that we needed to be there earlier because it gets super hot when the sun hits the sand. Lol they didn’t listen. The sand got so hot to the point you couldn’t even stand on it. It literally felt like standing on a hot skillet. So midway through the shoot we had to leave. One of the stylist ended up getting severely dehydrated and started to cramp and throw up everywhere. One of other stylists ended up using the restroom on himself. We had to call the paramedics because he couldn’t walk no one died so it wasn’t that bad.

You have a very strong sense for fashion and I hear you are about to create your own clothing line soon. Tell us more about it?
Yes I am working on a clothing line and I am very excited about it! I’m actually working on some beanies right now and some hoodies. Also some chest harnesses. Think of urban street where with the twist of fashion with some Japanese influence. I love a really good basic t-shirt and a pair joggers majority of the time. I like to be very comfortable but still stylish at the same time. You don’t have to have the biggest names to look good.

As a fitness trainer, what will you say are your 5 Dos and Don’t when it comes to fitness and health?
- Drink more water.
- Cook more of your food.
- Eat more vegetables with every meal.
- Work out minimum three times a week.
- Take some kind of vitamin daily.
- Stay away from processed foods.
- Stop eating fast food.
- Stop eating bread everyday.
- Don’t cheat your form to get extra reps, that’s how you get hurt.
- Stay away from the microwave.
Do you think we are taking our health and wellbeing seriously?
And no I don’t think we take our health and well-being seriously at all. We talk about wanting to look healthy and feel good but in reality the vast majority of people in the world don’t do what it takes to actually be healthy. We look for we quick-fix something fast something that we don’t really have to work for as hard. People expect big changes overnight. It doesn’t work like that. You can also check out my dedicated page on Amazon where you can directly purchase some of my favourite things.

Talking about fitness, how many times do you go to the gym to workout?
I go to the gym anywhere from 3 to 4 times a week sometimes five depending on the mood I’m in and how stressed I am. I typically spend about an hour and a half to sometimes three hours in there.

For someone trying to start out eating healthy, what meal plans will you recommend?
I would recommend eating some chicken or fish. Brussels sprouts and a yam or sweet potato.

How do you balance your personal and professional life?
Honestly I’m still trying to figure out how to balance both. But when things happen that stress me out I find some form of meditation and that brings me back to center.

How would you describe the modelling industry in the United States, when it comes to encouraging new faces?
Nowadays with social media being a model isn’t as hard as it was when I first started. There’s a lot more social media platforms for you to show your work and be seen. Remain constant and just because you get a “no” don’t stop.
Looking at your photos from 2013 till now, there as been massive transformation and improvements. What will you say motivated/inspired you to go into fitness and stay dedicated in it?
For me I’m always looking for a way to get better there’s always room to improve and that’s just my life philosophy. So when I started working out it wasn’t a thing that I was going to reach certain point then stop once I reached it. There’s is always room for improvement. I’m sure when I reach 40 I will still be looking for ways to improve on the 30 year old me. To me working out is just like breathing. Our body’s weren’t made to sit around and watch TV and be on our phones all day. They were made to move. Us as human we have one of the most advanced nervous systems on the planet and I refuse to sit around and not use it.

What do you consider your biggest professional success so far?
I’m pretty tough on myself.
Who do you want to work with that you haven’t yet?
Fear of God, Topman, Sony and Nike.

You are a very active influencer on social media. Do you think its important to be online and if so why?
I definitely think it’s important to be online specially if you want to get into digital marketing or be an influencer. This is a new age and there’s a lot of money to be made out here. It a way you can turn yourself into a business and be your own boss.
You are originally born in Bellflower California but now based in Los Angeles. How is that working out for you?
It’s working out pretty good I live in Los Angeles now. It’s just the thing of always being in traffic but it’s all good lol.

I know you travel alot for work and leisure, so what will you say are your must visit travel destinations?
I’ve wanted to visit Tokyo, Thailand, Africa, Bali and Bora-Bora. Santorini the view there looks insane. Stonehenge and also the Caribbeans.

Name 5 things we should take seriously about our style choices?
- Your body shape
- Accessories
- Sometimes using less is more
- Own a couple of solid color piece you can mix and match
- Confident is key.

How would you describe your style?
Why does my style change all the time because I think of clothes like costumes so sometimes I want to be like super athletic and be in a sweatsuit or you might catch me in a turtleneck and some jeans and some Chelsea boots. So it depends on the mood I’m in. There isn’t just one style I stick too. That the beauty of it. It’s your style there are no rules.

What style genre appeals to you the most?
I like urban streetwear brand with a fashion twist. I need to be comfortable and able to move but still able to show up to the party looking fly. I feel like Fear of God right now. Minimalist is the best.

Name your 5 must have accessories/essentials?
- Plain t shirts
- Joggers
- Chains
- Hoodie
- Running shoes

What are your favourite fashion trends?
My favorite fashion trends are the sports athletic wear that is becoming a lot more fashionable. The fitted joggers pants are one of my favorite things out right now. You can wear those with almost anything. Super easy to dress up or dress down. For me I’m always getting bigger and leaning back out so anything that has some stretchy material is always a must for me .

What is your favourite dish?
That’s a very hard question lol I don’t really have one favorite dish. I do love and I do mean love seafood. Asian food, Thai food, Chinese food, Indian food is really good too. I like my food to have a kick so if it’s spicy I’m probably going to like it.

What songs are currently on your playlist?
- Tory lanes – The run off
- Drake – Motivate
- Wifisfuneral – Can’t feel my face
- Skepta – Ladies hit squad
- Lil baby – Drip too hard

Apart from being a model, fitness trainer and YouTuber, what other projects are you currently working on?
I’m actually doing some traveling for my Instagram. I just finished up some acting classes. I’m actually working on to getting more into film and TV stuff. Then there’s my line that I’m working on as far as my beanies, hoodies and chest harnesses that will be dropping very soon.

Seeing you’re doing your dreams, what advice can you give others to pursue their dreams?
There’s gonna be a lot of times that you’re gonna run into people that are telling you to doing the wrong thing or you aren’t being smart trying to live a fairytale dream. A lot of the times it will be the people closest to you like your family and close friends. This is normal because it’s usually people trying to protect you from the unknown. But, it’s your life and you have to make a decision. Now when you make this decision you need to be sure that your ready to work for this thing you want. This means activity working towards it putting in blood, sweat and tears to get it. Most people quit because they can’t handle the unknown so they go back to something comfortable and safe. You gotta be willing to take risk and if you mess up along the way, learn the lesson that the universe is trying to teach you in that situation. You learn the most when you mess up, just don’t keep make the same mistakes over and over. There are certain skills that the universe will teach you to get you ready for what to want. Trust the process.

Any specific plans for the future?
I want to get more into movies and I want work on my clothing brand a lot more.

Any final words?
Don’t give up on something because it’s not easy. The things you want in life are usually the things that will test you and make you a better at the end of it.

Where can we follow you online and on social media?
You can follow Instagram: @brandenmitch and on YouTube: Branden Mitch

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