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Big Brother The Chase Day 32: Task – Rubies come out tops again


Big Brother The Chase Day 32: Task – Rubies come out tops again


After an impressive puppet show, the Rubies managed to win their Wager thus being the overall winner for the day. Although their story wasn’t all that together and some of the Housemates didn’t know their character names, they seem to have pulled it off.

As Biggie announced that the winner, you could tell that most of them had already known that they had won but it didn’t stop them from shouting and screaming on top of their voices in joy. The sad part was when they opened the store room to find a bottle of non-alcoholic champagne. You could see their happiness and excitement fade from their disappointed faces. Biggie can be so mean.

The Diamonds were also swimming in a pool of such disappointment, although theirs seemed a bit more sad than that of the Rubies. When Biggie announced that they had lost their Wager, you could see that they were seriously disappointed considering the effort they put into it. This marked two consecutive weeks where Diamonds lost their Wager and a huge part of this was due to them losing their Book of Tales. Better luck next time Diamonds.

Asuquo Eton founded, now one of the most visited TV, music, tech and features website, in 2011. He is also a social media analyst, media and entertainment consultant.

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