TVC News First Anniversary: 365 Days of Telling African Stories Through African Eyes
Pan African news channel, TVC News marked it’s first anniversary today. The station is renowned for telling African stories through African eyes.
Since the first public broadcast on February 28, 2013, TVC News has reached great milestones in news coverage across Africa and the globe. Reaching over five million (5,000,000) households in Africa & Europe, TVC News has already been recognized as a unique service, filling a gap that meant Africa was previously the only continent without its own self-produced news & current affairs channel.
As a Pan-African station we have reported balanced stories about events in Africa and the rest of the World in the last one year.
Now, in one year of operation TVC News has covered epoch making events including the 2013 elections in Ghana, Kenya, Mali and Zimbabwe, the African Union’s 50th anniversary celebrations in Addis Ababa, the civil unrests in Egypt and Tunisia, the conflicts in the Central African Republic and Mali, Westgate mall attack in Kenya, the insurgency in Nigeria, the inauguration of Pope Francis as the new Catholic Pontiff and, of course, the death and funeral of the late Nelson Mandela in South Africa.
TVC News Chief Executive Officer, Nigel Parsons, said: “TVC News has come a long way in a short time and will remain committed to providing reliable, accurate and up-to-date news about Africa.”
What is you take on the performance of TVC News in the last one year of reporting African stories through African eyes?

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