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Gulder Ultimate Search Season 11: EPISODE 17 – OTTO WINS INNOVATIVE CHALLENGE


Gulder Ultimate Search Season 11: EPISODE 17 – OTTO WINS INNOVATIVE CHALLENGE

Having spent over two weeks in the jungle, cut away from friends, family and the rest of the outside world, some of the contestants reminisced on whom they missed back home. Ikenna said he missed his father while Samantha missed her mother and junior sister. Noela said she missed her family and friends, but is firmly focused on The Mission for now.

The contestants had a field making fun of the evicted Joshua, whom some of the contestants described as someone that talked a lot and told lies. They also teased Ikenna, bearer of the Stump of Shame. Ikenna smiled helplessly, as he was barred from talking to any of the contestants.

They also reminiscedon the night that the Council of Elders gave them what seemed like a generous supply of food items.

The Council of Elders sent a message to the contestants that which read:

“Welcome to the innovation phase. Without innovation, we cannot live. The Tribe must learn to think on their toes. Head Warrior, take charge, be innovative.”

Though not able to speak, Ikenna brought the idea that they should make a roof over their cooking place.

The day’s challenge involved crossing ladders which they had to set up to get to their workstations. They however had to retrieve the rungs of the ladder from various locations, fit it into the various ladders to enable them cross over and then use those same rungs to solve a puzzle.

While retrieving the rungs of the ladders, the contestants had to crawl under a net, climb over a rope wall thrice, to retrieve the packets of the ladder rungs.

Ikenna was also relieved of the Stump of Shame, unlike the earlier game when he had to undertake the task with it.

They were told only four contestants go over the obstacles at a time, but they did not heed to the instructions, thus making the game even more difficult for them.

Cosy described the challenge as “dirty,stressful, strenuous and everything energy consuming.”Noela who almost gave up during her third trip described it as difficult.

Samantha also fell, while Evi lamented that she was badly bruised during the challenge, but had to trudge on despite her injuries.

Chinedu was the first to call ChidiMokeme’s attention to the fact that he had completed the puzzle, but he was told he got it wrong. Chinedu, like the rest of the contestants, was trying to solve the puzzle within the confines of his workstation but got it wrong.

Otto solved the puzzle and Chidi commended him for his creativity and declared him winner, putting an end to the challenge; before Noela or Sandra could even start.

Speaking on how the contestants could have solved the puzzle if they had been creative, Chidi said: “Innovation requires imagination. It requires thinking outside the box. If the jigsaw puzzles don’t fit in the box, then you have to think out of the box. ”
As reward, Otto was made Head Warrior and given a camp bed so he could sleep comfortably. He was to take charge of the camp and was also empowered to evict the current occupants of luxury tents and replace them.

Otto described his victory as a much awaited one as the only time he won any task was in the second challenge of Gulder Ultimate Search 11; with Ikenna as his then partner.

Ikenna described bearing the Stump of Shame as a horrible experience adding that he had learnt his lesson. Noelaconfessed that she thought she would either be evicted or asked to bear the Stump of Shame, due to her poor performance.


Asuquo Eton founded, now one of the most visited TV, music, tech and features website, in 2011. He is also a social media analyst, media and entertainment consultant.

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