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Big Brother Hotshots Day 36: Samantha’s laziness gets a reward


Big Brother Hotshots Day 36: Samantha’s laziness gets a reward

bb Hotshots

Samantha had been summoned to the diary room by Big Brother earlier in the evening to receive this week’s star gift. She is the first female to win the prize, but if she had known the title being bestowed upon her, the laziest housemate, she may not have found it so flattering.

In a previous diary session Biggie had asked her what she would do if she won the star gift and she had said she would not take it into the house, because it would cause an undercurrent of animosity. There had already been unimpressed expressions before when other housemates received the coveted prize.

After Biggie presented Samantha with her reward, a sparkling pink gift basket, she juggled with whether or not to take it inside. When she glimpsed a bottle of vodka she decided it would be best to share it, as she did not drink, and she knew the housemates would appreciate it.

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She felt rather embarrassed going back into the house, and explained to housemates that she had actually wanted to leave the gift behind. No one seemed too perturbed about it and eagerly tore into the crinkly wrapping, indulging in the treats they found inside. Samantha was happy as long as she got to keep some chocolates. Here’s what you thought of Samantha getting her gift:

Idris was delighted for Samantha and promptly started calling it their gift. He showered her with compliments, telling her that the hot pink suited her. Was he perhaps fishing more than just a sweet treat from his beloved Samantha or was he just trying to feel as if had won something too? Maybe he’ll have a better shot as the title of the funniest housemate, which is this week’s star metre. Who do you think is the funniest in the house?

Asuquo Eton founded, now one of the most visited TV, music, tech and features website, in 2011. He is also a social media analyst, media and entertainment consultant.

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