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VIDEO: Cassper Nyovest – Tsibip


VIDEO: Cassper Nyovest – Tsibip

Cassper Nyovest switches up the game with two new videos for new single

In an unprecedented move, much like his secret releasing of his album on iTunes during Women’s Day, Cassper Nyovest has released two – yes, count them – videos for his new single, “Tsibip”.

To answer your first question, “Tsibip” receives two videos because Cassper Nyovest has repeatedly proved that he doesn’t do things by the book.

To answer your second, the two videos are created to introduce us to Refiloe Maele Phoolo’s two alter egos: Cassper and Nyovest.

Nyovest’s version of the “Tsibip” video reveals the “more raw and real” side of the rapper. It sees him changing snapbacks at almost every lyric in the song. Seriously – there are enough caps in this video to dress three Boyznbucks crews.

To finish the video off, Nyovest ends with a very special snapback: the same one that forms part of his animated album art.

Enter Cassper and his version. Described as the “more colourful and flashy” side of the rapper, the Cassper video is layered with fashion, animal, culinary and sexual textures. Expect lots of close-ups of not only Cassper but also his Buscemi sneakers, Versace shades, three Jesus Pieces, food, liquids, birds, reptiles, mammals, cigars, candy, chains, a woman’s hands and eyes, and every single centimeter of his iconic braided ponytail.

From what we can tell, it seems as though a final decision is to be made about which video will make the official visual for “Tsibip”, that’s if Cassper Nyovest’s call to the fans is anything to go by:

We would like you to pick your favorite video and character and what you have picked up from them. It’s also a start from Cassper Nyovest that he is his only competition. Enjoy and and do take part.

But if you think about, there’s nothing more G than having two videos for one song so we’re happy to stick with both.

“Tsibip” is the new single by Cassper Nyovest off of his debut album Tsholofelo. Download it now on iTunes.


Asuquo Eton founded, now one of the most visited TV, music, tech and features website, in 2011. He is also a social media analyst, media and entertainment consultant.

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